Jenoxiel the Bringer of Change

Jenoxiel is the god of change, corruption, aberrations, and monstrosities. Little is known about Jenoxiel's origin, except that this god was sealed away in the distant past and, sometime within the last millennium, was somehow set free, determined to bring change to what it views as an imperfect world. Jenoxiel typically appears as a humanoid figure with multiple arms and aberrant features.

Some scientists and artificers who value progress revere Jenoxiel because they believe that he possesses divine knowledge superior to that of any human or god, and they hope for enlightenment from him. However, as one might expect, many of his followers are indifferent to the damage that they may cause in the pursuit of their goals.


Jenoxiel despises Uddar the Redeemed with a passion. He holds Uddar primarily responsible for his failed plans and desires to see her pay for what she's done. Jenoxiel is also an enemy of Sriphiel the Protector . Sriphiel's primary objective is to protect the world from external threats, which put him in opposition to Jenoxiel. He has encouraged his followers to eliminate creatures and disciples of Jenoxiel throughout history.

Tenets of Faith

How to Honor and Increase His Influence:
  1. Permanently alter the physical state of a creature to make it resemble Jenoxiel.
    Followers of Jenoxiel believe that by altering the appearance of a being to resemble the god, they honor the divine concept of change. Whether it's growing extra limbs or developing grotesque features, this act is considered a mark of devotion and a way to please Jenoxiel.
  2. Alter the natural functioning of the world.
    This tenet encourages followers to disrupt the imperfect order of the world. They seek to introduce chaos, anomalies, or unconventional phenomena to demonstrate their commitment to change the world towards Jenoxiel's beliefs and challenge the established norms.
  3. Eliminate a monarch or ruler, weakening the imperfect order prevailing in the world.
    Jenoxiel's followers believe that regicide and the overthrow of leaders who maintain the status quo will disrupt the existing power structures and facilitate the ascent of the imperfect world to something more aligned with their god's vision.
  4. Bring creatures from Jenoxiel's plane into this world permanently.
    This act is considered a way to infuse the world with the essence of Jenoxiel's realm, inviting creatures of change and aberration to take root and influence this world. Followers seek to bridge the gap between dimensions, causing the realms to overlap.

How to Dishonor and Diminish His Influence:
  1. Reverse a creature altered by Jenoxiel back to its normal state.
    Restoring creatures to their original form is seen as a rejection of the changes they've undergone in the name of Jenoxiel. This act diminishes the impact of the god's influence.
  2. Purify a location considered toutched by jenoxiel's energy
    Cleansing a place that has been altered to reflect Jenoxiel's domain is considered a direct affront to the god. It erases the evidence of his presence and prevents further transformation.
  3. Protect a monarch or ruler who defends this world, unless the follower has ulterior motives for doing so.
    Defending rulers who uphold the established order and resist the influence of Jenoxiel is against the tenets. However, if protection is offered for hidden purposes, such as infiltration and subversion, it may be acceptable.
  4. Eliminate or expel aberrant creatures, fiends, or monstrosities from this world. 
    Foes of Jenoxiel who fight against his monstrosities or servants are considered enemies. By banishing or destroying these creatures, individuals oppose the god's attempts to bring change.
  5. Aid a location in recovering from a disaster or calamity.
    Assisting communities in their recovery efforts contradicts the belief that chaos should persist. This act contradicts the faith's objectives and reduces Jenoxiel's influence.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jenoxiel was a sealed entity in Gretaria (the world) until the year 124 before the Grand Transposition. In that year, Jenoxiel was set free and wreaked havoc across the world. Several countries were destroyed or vanished. Those who survived turned to their gods and prepared their forces. After 124 years of constant war against Jenoxiel and his forces, he was finally defeated and forced to transfer his essence to the Ethereal Plane. This event unintentionally transformed Jenoxiel into a god, preventing him from directly affecting Gretaria except through his followers. It also marked the turning point for a new calendar, the Victory Calendar (in commemoration of the victory over Jenoxiel).   Due to the antiquity of this story, most original countries no longer exist or do not attach importance to the event due to the passage of time or lack of involvement in the war against Jenoxiel. However, Jenoxiel seeks to return to a physical form and urges his followers and Patrons to find a way to bring him back to the material plane. He is determined to make the world perfect in his eyes.
Kaizushiro is of special importance to his followers as it houses the breach between the world and where a Vessel of Jenoxiel forms every three years, attempting to bring him back into the physical world. However, every year, a summoner sacrifices themselves to stop it. To his followers, it's just a matter of time, and they believe that the imperfect beings will eventually falter, allowing Jenoxiel to return and make the world perfect in his eyes.