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Lhoris Revven

Lhoris Revven

Lhoris stands exceptionally tall for a High Elf with a muscular, athletic physique. Despite the endless time exploring outside, his alabaster skin remains untouched by the sun while his delicate facial features fail to obscure bright, piercing golden eyes. Lhoris’ long deep-brown hair hangs loose, flowing to the middle of his back, but never unkempt.   Lhoris moves with deliberate grace, perfect posture, and an air of stoicism. Ever attentive to the situation, his golden eyes constantly scan his surroundings, eagerly searching to find every new mystery. With an approachable, friendly, and unassuming demeanor, Lhoris wears a thin, curious smile and is always diligent in providing a welcomed introduction with a soft, melodic tone.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lhoris stands exceptionally tall for a High Elf with a muscular, athletic physique. Despite the endless time exploring outside, his alabaster skin remains untouched by the sun while his delicate facial features fail to obscure bright, piercing golden eyes. Lhoris’ long deep-brown hair hangs loose, flowing to the middle of his back, but never unkempt.   When not expecting eminent danger, Lhoris travels lightly wearing fine elvish clothing he has acquired during his youth and along his travels. He appears comfortable and confident in his usual dark satin, straight high collar shirts that fasten from the front with fancy silver clasps, soft fitted slacks tucked within polished knee-high leather boots. Upon his shoulders, sharp but light pauldrons decorated with elvish designs secure a long black wool cloak, adorned with a rich maroon colored silk lining beneath. But for a small black leather purse beneath the cloak, Lhoris travels the roads of his city life, carefree and fanciful, appearing as a cross between a noble and a scholar, with no outward indication of his militant upbringing.   However, the dangers of Oerth are no stranger to Lhoris when he finds himself adventuring beyond the comforts of urban life. Across his back, Lhoris expertly carries a red shafted glaive standing nearly as tall as him. On his right hangs a silver pommeled longsword resting in a thorn-laced embroidered, leather scabbard, and on his left an ivory horn emblazoned with a black-outlined Crescent Moon. A simple white painted, wooden-carved Unicorn pendant hangs on a thick leather strap around his neck upon an expertly crafted, and magically imbued, slight-blue tinted splint mail he dons. Fastened atop the glaive, Lhoris secures a steel shield, outlined in the same design and hue as his armor, but within any other decoration or emblem.   Despite the weight of the fine heavy armor, Lhoris moves with deliberate grace, perfect posture, and an air of stoicism. Ever attentive to the situation, his golden eyes constantly scan his surroundings, eagerly searching to find every new mystery.   Whether armored or classy, Lhoris’s demeanor is ever approachable, friendly, and unassuming. He wears a thin, curious smile and is always diligent in providing a welcomed introduction with a soft, melodic tone.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

468: Lhoris Revven is born to Erdan and Birel in Loradden shortly after the Ulek states becoming autonomous and sever ties to Keoland. His father, Erdan, takes a brief sabbatical from his esteemed position of Cavalry general in the Duchy of Ulek army upon the birth of his son. His mother, Birel, continues her scholarly pursuits and historical research during this time working diligently to document the newly formed independence of the region.   480: Approximately 20 years after the independence of Ulek and longing than anticipated being away, Erdan and Birel are beckoned to return to Tringlee, the capitol city of the Duchy of Ulek, as the economic grows and High Elf rule thrives. Without hesitation, Erdan resumes his post as General training light cavalry archers and lancers in the burgeoning army of the Duchy of Ulek, as well as the growing ranks of the Knights of the Hart. Lhoris, under his mother’s care, is withheld from the army and, instead, enrolled in Academy with her continuing more intellectual pursuit. Despite his now formal education, Lhoris remains interested in the intricacies of the military and training, as much as his father would allow.   506: Subsequent to the humanoids of Lortmill’s rise in the Pomarj, Duke Grenowin of Ulek commences with a systematic campaign to escalate and strengthen the Army on fear of growing dangers both to the East and West. Elves and humans alike are drawn to the Capitol and into the surrounding eastern region along the Mountains.   508: Despite his current path as a scholar, Lhoris has spent his early years training with his father, learning of the ways of a soldier and decides to enlist in the Army. Thankfully due to Lhoris’ strong performance and at the behest of Erdan’s superior officers, Lhoris begins his formal training upon an officer’s path as a martial tactician, rather than the typical cavalry or infantry soldier. From the start and due to his parents’ roles within the capitol, Lhoris’ intellect is deemed an asset in addition to honing his prowess with a blade.   521: After years of training, Lhoris is encouraged to re-enroll in the Academy concurrently, and specifically, as part of his military training. An unexpected path finds him immersed in extensive studies of the history and geography of the Flanaess, the ever-changing political diversity among the surrounding regions. In addition to his nearly overwhelming regimented training program and education, Lhoris elects to spend his little remaining free time attending classes in Arcana.   533: Approaching twenty-five years of active military service, Lhoris’ expected path is a crossroads. Despite his lack of formal training of the arcane arts in the preceding years, Lhoris had displayed an innate and inherent affinity for the arcane arts. Identified by famed strategist and elder High Elf, Professor Ilyane Treppior petitions the military hierarchy to retrain Lhoris in the ways of arcane combat. The opportunity is denied.   534: By Spring, Lhoris is exceedingly eager to be released into the world he has spent so much time behind safe walls learnings about. He embraces approaching adulthood with slight silent concern that the Army’s investment in him brings with it an expectation of servitude he may not expect to fulfill. So many years of training and studying have created an incessant passion for learning and built a raging fire within him to expand his knowledge by exploring the world. Lhoris is patient and cunning, fortunate to be granted an Officer’s position with the Knights of Lirvene (a cavalry contingent responsible for surveying the Lortmill Mountains from the Archbarony of Gliddinsbar to County of Carnelis). Because of his unique talents, he serves in the role of Tactical Travel and Combat and is offered ample opportunity to act as a diplomatic advisor for the Knights.   561: After years of active duty, his constant explorations outside of the city have only enhanced and encouraged his passion for travel, to gain additional knowledge and strive for new experiences. Fortunate and fate are on his side finding himself in Harrington during Growfest when he learns of a multi-year diplomatic excursion departing at the beginning of the following year. The opportunity provides that emissaries from the Duchy of Ulek, with the Dwarves of the Lotmill Mountains and the folk of Celene, primarily, shall travel to the Free City of Greyhawk on a diplomatic assignment regarding trade, knowledge, religion and politics. Thankfully, the group of adventurers lack the tactical and geographic expert.   561: Lhoris returns to Tringlee with the aim to personally petition Duke Grenowin an opportunity to join the excursion to Greyhawk, imparting his years of travel, his knowledge and his experience with a sword to the contingent. Fortunately, and unbeknownst to him upon the direct intervention of General Plythia and Profession Ilyane Treppior (who had heard word of his intention), Lhoris is presented a most interesting opportunity: accompany the diplomatic mission to Greyhawk and accept enrollment at Grey College within the Free City of Greyhawk in the area of magical arts as part of his continued military service. Presented a unique opportunity to continue advancing his position within the Army while within the tutelage within the famed city, Lhoris leaps at the chance to continue his love for knowledge between the academic side of military and study of arcana.   562: As an officer of Duchy of Ulek army, Lhoris embarks with the “Western Adventurers” on the beginning of his greatest adventure: through the Lortmill Mountains, along the Celene Pass, among the fringe city surrounding the Faerie Kingdom of Celene, from Enstad to Verbobonc and, finally, onto to Greyhawk City where he will learn and study with any number of famed scholars.   564: Days before Brewfest, Lhoris and company finally arrive in the Free City of Greyhawk. The group has grown to nearly 60 travelers, emissaries, and ambassadors from nearly 6 different regions, representing all walks of life: soldier, trader, politician, rulers, and adventurer.   565: Lhoris begins his studies at Grey College in the ways of the Eldritch Knight, a discipline teaching the use of arcana in a melee fighting style. Unlike his childhood in the Ulek, the pace of learnings in Greyhawk is unexpected, but invigorating, as is the extraordinary diversity of those he learns around. Before now, there was no way he could truly appreciate or understand this scholarship opportunity afforded to him as a result of his former Professor’s direct intervention.   568: Lhoris becomes a contributing member to the Greyhawk Library, investing a large portion of his retained wealth from years of military service. Further, he learns that through the College there are recurring research and investigative opportunities in the adjacent regions that will provide for him to continue to live comfortably within the City of Greyhawk. Due to his prior military experience and outgoing nature, it isn’t long before he begins being sought out to accompany select Grey College sponsored journey as a guide, defender, and strategist… roles he understands and fulfills well. Regardless of his obvious need for employment to pay bills, Lhoris longs for the excitement of joining such expeditions, especially as part of his ‘continued education and enlisted service through scholarship.   573: Lhoris moves out from the Student Quarter’s residences, having fared well enough to afford the tiniest, unadorned room at the Black Dragon Inn, a reasonably priced tavern still within the university district of Clerkburg on the fringe between the Artisans’ and Foreign Quarters. In the privacy of his own quarters, Lhoris finally sees the breath of the horizon before him, an unending landscape of immeasurable opportunity to see and experience.

Personality Characteristics


Lhoris is an inquisitive thinker and problem solver, never shy but always studious. Many decades spent honing his body and training in the martial arts are often shielded by the elegant garb he appreciates, hiding his experience as a soldier. However, the unending curiosity in his eyes deceive him for his true, often unrevealed, nature of learned scholar and thought-filled individual. Unbeknownst to most, his tiny, private apartment is filled with historical tomes, and expertly drawn maps of the Greyhawk’s surrounding regions, as well as the city itself.   Once engaged, he is an eager conversationalist and never one to shy away from sharing the knowledge he possesses, though he rarely volunteers it unprovoked. Friendly with those around him, Lhoris is always prepared to solve complications with words before actions. In times of conflict, however, he becomes instantly poised with an unwavering confidence, and arrogance, actions that than betray his true martial prowess…an experienced, trained military tactician and practiced swordsman. Be careful not to mistake his desire to resolve issues amicably and thoughtfully as an unwillingness to use violent force, when necessary, for in battle Lhoris’ actions are deliberate, experienced, and deadly.   As the world continues to unfurl around him, Lhoris is unwilling to rush headfirst into the unknown when a more cautious, carefully considered approach would equally present itself. His even and calm temperament is an asset when interacting with the those around him, as is his intelligence and his insight in reading others. However, his incessant curiosity makes avoiding danger nearly impossible.


Contacts & Relations

Living in Greyhawk   Life in the Free City of Greyhawk is vastly different than the Western Foothills of the Lortill Mountains; to compare the two would be, frankly, ridiculous. Everyday within the city, Lhoris endeavors to explore a new, intriguing mystery. The City is immersed in interesting people from the far edges of the Flanaess, and beyond, who have ventured here to learn, to trade and to seek boundless adventures. It is simple to appreciate each day in Greyhawk, and even more, those fateful days traveling outside the city as a hired guide, capable solider or, an equally, interested explorer to the vast world beyond.   Lhoris and Miklos Dare, a huge bearlike human and proprietor of the Black Dragon Inn, have been more than just landlord and tenant. Countless nights Lhoris has found himself a calming, vigilant associate in monitoring the youthfully, inebriated crowds of students and professors, especially considering that they Inn boasts one of the largest common sleeping rooms in Clerkburg. While not formally employed as one of the ‘bouncers,’ Lhoris and Miklos have an ongoing understanding, a quid pro quo, as it relates to them scratching each other’s backs in a world full of barterers. And in a city full of animated characters and restless travelers, the Black Dragon Inn serves its fair share.   Lhoris’ days are equally exciting, pressed between his personal training regiment, his time within Grey College studying (formally and informally), and his extensive time spent exploring tomes of treasures within the Greyhawk Library as a contributing member. These primary activities form the basis for his studious efforts for improving himself physically, mentally and spiritually. However, in addition to the diversity of the circles in which he frequents, Lhoris has found a continuing, and increasing, source for possible adventure. Using both his military connections and requests from his favorite professors, Lhoris has finds himself with interesting selections for opportunities to explore the world beyond Greyhawk: some for knowledge, some for money, and some for protection.   Within the last five years, he has found himself gradually more willing to venture beyond the city limits and decisively more liberal with the distances beyond Greyhawk for which he is willing to be commissioned for service. As a result, he has made numerous friends along the way, people whose company he frequently keeps as well as those he has purposefully sought out for more adventure.   By way of example:   From 7 Planting through 21 Flocktime 573, Lhoris embarked that took him with a group of explorers first to the Fee City of Dyvers, and then along the Coast northeast of Maraven to investigate the borderlands between Greyhawk and Dyvers. The contingent including nearly a dozen travelers, including soldiers, nobles, a wizard and a few druids from Gnarley Forest. A quest not only to understand the region but to investigate purported rumors of hidden coves along the shore where Robilar kept treasures hidden took the group far northerly than the border between to the two Kingdoms   During the journey, the crew encountered extraordinary folk within the region buried deep within the ranks of treacherous foes: hobgoblins, ogres and even two-headed giants. Devoid of any significant finds, Lhoris received all the ‘treasure’ he sought within the relationships he made and the stories he now shares. One of the strongest relationships he made was with a stylish young, human woman by the name of Padma who was accompanying the group due to her unique proficiency in communications, both verbal and visual. Her spirited demeanor and strategic approach to navigating the uncharted terrains brought them instantly together. Today, they remain fast friends joined by multiple adventures together as well as many nights within the Free City of Greyhawk sharing stories over strong black tea.   Ever ready for the next adventure, Lhoris cultivates those relationships he has treasured over the years while seeking constant new possibilities to engage with the most uncommon and intriguing patrons within the Free City of Greyhawk, a place he now thankfully calls home.

Religious Views

Corellon Larethian / Ehlenestra (Ehlonna)

Lhoris Revven is a studious historian and geographer, a trained soldier and military tactician. Approachable, friendly and unassuming, Lhoris' unending curiosity drives a desire to explore the untold mysteries of Oerth.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
108 Years Old
Date of Birth
22 Brightleaf 468 (Patchwall)
Tringlee, Capitol City of the Duchy of Ulek
Current Residence
The Black Dragon Inn, Free City of Greyhawk
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 2"
170 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Elven, & Sylan

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