
Alaghi Ability Score Range


Ability Score Adjustments: The initial ability scores are modified by a +2 bonus to Strength and a -2 penalty to Intelligence.

Hit Dice: Player character alaghi receive hit dice by class. In addition, they receive 9 bonus hit points at first level.

Alignment: Alaghi tend toward true neutral alignment. PC alaghi may be of any alignment. Alaghi druids are neutral good.

Natural Armor Class: 4

Allowed Classes: Fighter, Druid

Multiclass: Fighter/Shaman

Height & Weight: Humanoid Average Height & Weight table

Age: Humanoid Age Table

Kit Summary: Humanoid Character Kit Summary

Background: Alaghi, distant relations to yeti, are forest-dwelling humanoids. They have barrel chests, short necks, and wide, flat heads. Their short legs are thick, their hands and feet are large, and their hair is thick: blond, reddish brown, or charcoal gray. They stand about 6 feet tall and weigh over 300 pounds.

Most alaghi live as semi-nomadic hunter-gatherers. Sedentary alaghi set up communities of crude huts or large cave complexes. Alaghi communities are generally mistrusted, though some neighbors will trade manufactured goods for pelts, game, and ore. The rarest alaghi are philosophical hermits that are neutral good and have druidic abilities.

The primitive alaghi fashion crude stone knives, hand axes, and tools, as well as simple wooden javelins. A favorite tactic employed by the alaghi is to hurl missile weapons from hiding, ambushing their opponents.

Languages: (non-native languages require a nonweapon proficiency slot) Alaghi, common.

Role-Playing Suggestions: These forest dwellers tend to be shy and peaceful. The hermitic alaghi are curious and helpful to those in need. They love riddles and games of strategy, often seeking competition from willing humans and demihumans. They especially enjoy a good game of chess.

Players should pick the alaghi character's background — nomadic, hermitic, or sedentary. Most will probably be nomadic, traveling in search of adventure as their less heroic kin seek game and wild plants. Nomadic alaghi do not necessarily live in harmony with nature, but they respect it and know how to use it without destroying it. Sedentary alaghi are like primitive humans, often greedy and raiding to survive.

Hermitic alaghi live in harmony with nature, usually serving as druids and enjoying friendly relations with their woodland neighbors.

An alaghi deciding to become an adventurer might leave home for a variety of reasons. A nomad leaves its group to seek knowledge, treasure, or adventure. A sedentary alaghi grows tired of community life and again takes up the life of a nomad, eventually hooking up with a group of adventurers and finding a new and exciting activity. A hermitic alaghi may decide to give up a life of solitude for some grand cause — one that usually involves concerns of nature and druidic lore.

Special Advantages: The alaghi's huge fists can inflict 2d6 points of damage. Alaghi can move silently as per the thief ability, and they can hide in natural surroundings. At 1st level, the base scores are 40% and 35% respectively. Each time an experience level is gained, the alaghi receives another 5% in each skill.

Special Disadvantages: Alaghi take damage as large creatures.

Monstrous Traits: Fearsome appearance, punctuate sentences with hisses, hoots, and grunts. Sedentary alaghi must suppress the urge to slay and eat any non-alaghi they meet.

Superstitions: Fear things which appear to them as unnatural, including wizard spells, undead creatures, and metal arms and armor.

Weapon Proficiencies: Club, hand axe, javelin, knife (all are stone weapons).

Suggested Nonweapon Proficiencies: Animal Lore, Animal Noise, Direction Sense, Eating, Endurance, Gaming, Hiding, Hunting, Intimidation, Natural Fighting, Survival (forest).

[Complete Book of Humanoids]


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