
Bullywug Ability Score Range


Ability Score Adjustments: The initial ability scores are modified by a +1 bonus to Dexterity and a -1 penalty to Intelligence and Charisma.

Hit Dice: Player character bullywugs receive hit dice by class.

Alignment: Bullywugs tend toward chaotic evil. PC bullywugs maybe of any alignment, but most are neutral or (rarely) good.

Natural Armor Class: 6

Allowed Classes: Fighter, Shaman, Thief

Multiclass: Fighter/Shaman, Fighter/Thief

Height & Weight: Humanoid Average Height & Weight table

Age: Humanoid Age Table

Kit Summary: Humanoid Character Kit Summary

Thieving Skill: Humanoid Thieving Skill Racial Adjusment table

Background: Bullywugs are bipedal frog-like amphibians inhabiting swamps, marshes, and other dank locations. They are covered with a smooth, mottled olive green hide that gives them a natural protection. They have the faces of enormous frogs, characterized by wide mouths and bulging eyes. Like frogs, their hands and feet are webbed. They wear no clothing, but do make use of crude armor, weapons, and shields.

Bullywugs have learned to cooperate with each other in order to survive and to work together when hunting. They are skilled hunters and fishermen, and can use and build snares and nets.

These frog-men grow up in a savage society. Males are dominant, as females are looked upon as nothing more than egg bearers. Only leaders and their god are shown any kind of respect. Bullywug shamans will always be male.

Bullywugs need to keep their skin moist, which is why they favor swamps and marshes. They love treasure, even if the regular benefits of wealth are lost on their society. Coins, jewels and magical items are hoarded whenever they can be found.

The average bullywug does not display the greed or lust for power seen in other chaotic races. They rarely fight among themselves, except when a leader grows too old or when the smaller, more savage bullywugs meet their larger, more advanced cousins. Bullywugs tend to harm their environment, often hunting and fishing an area until its natural resources are depleted. Most hate humans, attacking them on sight.

Languages: (Non-native languages require a nonweapon proficiency slot be spent) Bullywug, common.

Role-Playing Suggestions: Bullywug PCs are assumed to be the larger, more intelligent bullywugs. These range in size from 6 to 7 feet, and are broader than their smaller relatives. They are more aggressive, better organized, and better equipped than the normal bullywugs.

Often it is the females who decide to leave the lair and take up the life of an adventurer, for the opportunities in their own society are extremely limited. While bullywug PCs tend to remain chaotic, they sometimes shed their evil natures as they try to find a place for themselves in the outside world.

Of course, as most other humans and humanoids fear and detest bullywugs, life for adventurer bullywugs is difficult and dangerous. The successful ones will learn to depend on and cooperate with whatever adventuring group they can latch onto, for their survival depends on cooperation.

Adventuring bullywug shamans often take up service with a new god,for they are usually fleeing from the wrath of the chaotic evil deity of their race.

Special Advantages: Bullywugs have chameleon abilities that make them 75% undetectable in natural surroundings. This lets them ambush opponents, whose surprise rolls receive a -2 penalty (-6 if attacked by hop).

Bullywugs employ a hop attack which can carry them upto 30 feet forward and 15 feet upward. A hop attack gives them a +1 bonus to their attack rolls. If they are using impaling weapons, these cause double damage.

Bullywugs receive swimming as a bonus proficiency.

Special Disadvantages: Bullywugs must wet their entire bodies three times a day (at least a waterskin full of water is required). If they are unable to find moisture, they begin to lose Constitution at a rate of 2 points per missed bath. If their Constitution falls to zero, they die from dehydration.

Monstrous Traits: Appearance, chaotic tendencies, webbed hands and feet.

Superstitions: Bullywugs fear dry heat and areas that have little standing water.

Weapon Proficiencies: Club, dagger, short sword, spear, trident.

Suggested Nonweapon Proficiencies: Direction Sense, Fishing, Hunting, Survival (swamp), Weather Sense, Wild Fighting.

[Complete Book of Humanoids]


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