Determine Final Rest

This spell is similar to know alignment in that it enables the priest to read the aura of a living or deceased creature. However, this particular strain of magic is used to quickly determine the Outer Plane and the particular level within that plane (if it possesses more than one) to which the examined individual correctly should be consigned to after death (as determined by being's religion, nature, and alignment, though the DM notes these are they are not revealed to the spellcaster). If a being has been sent to an incorrect final rest or redirected unwillingly en route, this spell notes that fact, but not the destination to which the being has been sent. Note that those spells and objects that would prevent a know alignment spell from functioning also inhibit a detern-tine final rest spell. Corpses do not normally receive a saving throw vs. this spell unless they are actually undead creatures.
[Powers and Pantheons]

Wee Jas

Sphere: Divination
Level: 3
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 1 creature or 1 corpse
Saving Throw: Negates


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