Disc of Concordant Opposition

When this spell is cast, the cleric brings into being a disc that will blast most creatures into nothingness unless they are resistant to magic. Creatures with less than 6 hit dice or 35% magic resistance are destroyed, if they fail their save. Creatures with 6 hit dice or more take 75 points of damage if they fail their save. Creatures with 6 or more hit dice take 40 points of damage, saving to half damage. Any creature with a magic-resistance greater than 35% is unaffected.

The cleric must have Boccob's symbol on his person in order to cast this spell. The disc (material component) is hurled at the target while the cleric completes a prayer to Boccob.

[Greyhawk Adventures]


Sphere: Combat
Level: 6
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 attack
Casting Time: 6 segments
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Special
Material Components: the priest's holy symbol and a small iron and electrum wheel with a rod rising from the center of one side (not consumed)


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