
This spell changes the appearance of a single unit so it resembles another unit. The disguise can cause the affected creatures to appear to be of another class, nationality, rank, race, alignment, or military affiliation (i.e., a unit from one army may appear wearing the armor and carrying the colors of another army). Disguise cannot change the size category of the unit's members. Thus, a unit of humans may appear to be a unit of elves, but may not appear as a unit of giants or halflings. The spell does not affect the size of the overall unit; a unit of 50 creatures will still appear to be a unit of 50 creatures.   The disguised unit may appear to be carrying any melee or personal missile weapons (e.g., axes, long swords, crossbows, etc.), and may appear to be wearing any type of armor. In combat, however, the unit attacks and defends with its real weapons and armor regardless of the gear they may appear to be carrying.   Disguise is most effective at long range. If another unit moves within 20 yards of a disguised unit, it automatically sees through the illusion. The caster automatically sees through the illusion. Members of the subject unit see no change in their appearance. True seeing or similar magic is required for other individuals to see through the disguise (unless they move within 20 yards of the unit).   The wire component is consumed during the casting.
[Tome of Magic]
Sphere: War
Level: 5
Range: 200 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn/3 levels
Casting Time: 2 turns
Area of Effect: One unit up to 300 individuals
Saving Throw: None
Material Components:
a fine silk veil and a length of woven platinum wire


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