Duplicate {Priest}

This spell causes a translucent, obviously magical quill pen to appear in midair. This animated pen generates its own ink and copies any writing or inscription of the caster’s choice that is within range onto any writing surface, such as paper, vellum, smooth painted wall, or flat wood, available within spell range. If there is a choice of writing surfaces available, the one chosen mentally by the caster is used.

Spells can be copied by means of this spell, creating a copy that is identical to the original for purposes of study. Scrolls can be duplicated by the spell along with their magic. The quill’s writing does not trigger Explosive Runes, Glyphs, or other traps, and creates an identically functioning magical duplicate of such dangerous magic (if any is present).

The writing of a duplicate is of identical size and spacing to the original, allowing perfect forgeries to occur (while this is possible, this use has been forbidden by Alloitur). However, if the size of writing surface or the spell duration does not permit the entire writing to be copied, the entire copied writing fades away, and the spell is lost and ruined. (The pen writes as fast as the caster can.) Being rendered unconscious or commencing other spellcasting ruins the magic. The caster must view the writing for the pen to work. (Brief glances away or interruptions do not harm the working of the spell.)

The mind of any caster can only encompass one duplicate spell at a time and attempts to go beyond this limit result in feeblemindedness (as the successful effect of the 5th-level wizard spell Feeblemind). Casting duplicate causes the caster to instantly lose 1 hit point per experience level currently possessed. The loss of these hit points may only be reversed by the casting of a Wish or Limited Wish spell or the casting of a Heal spell on the recipient by a high priest of Allitur in the sanctuary of an Alliturian sanctum. No saving throw against the loss of the hit points is allowed. Death caused in this way destroys all spellcasting ability, so a priest who died casting duplicate and was raised could no longer function as a priest, but only a lay worshiper.

[Faiths & Avatars]


Sphere: Creation
(Alteration, Evocation)
Level: 4
Range: 10 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Material Components: a feather (consumed)


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