Emotion Control

This spell can be cast in one of two ways: in a manner that affects the priest, or in a manner that affects a subject other than the priest.   The first method affects only the priest and allows him to shield his true emotions from magical examination. Thus, it can block wizard spells such as ESP or priest spells such as Emotion Read. While emotion control is in effect, anyone using one of these spells will sense the emotion designated by the priest rather than his true emotions. When the priest casts emotion control, he designates the false emotion he wishes to be revealed.   This use of emotion control also gives the priest a +2 bonus to saving throws against the following spells: Spook, Taunt, Irritation, know alignment, Scare, Emotion, Fear, and Phantasmal Killer. When any of these spells are cast on the priest, he is immediately aware of the attempt, although he does not learn the source of the spell. If another character casts emotion read, ESP, or a similar spell on the priest, the priest must make a saving throw vs. spells with a +1 bonus for each 5 levels of the priest. If the priest successfully saves, the other spellcaster reads the false emotion; if the priest fails the saving throw, the spellcaster reads the priest's true emotion.   The second use of this spell allows the priest to create a single emotional reaction in the subject(s) (similar to the wizard spell emotion). Some typical emotions follow, but the DM may allow other similar effects.   Courage: The subject becomes berserk, gaining +1 to attack rolls and +3 to damage, and temporarily gaining 4 hit points (damage against the subject is deducted from these temporary points first). The subject need never check morale, and receives a +5 bonus to saving throws against the various forms of fear. Courage counters (and is countered by) fear.   Fear: The subject flees from the priest for the duration of the spell. even if this takes him out of spell range. Fear counters (and is countered by) courage.   Friendship: The subject reacts positively to any encounter; in game terms, any result of a roll on the Encounter Reactions table (Table 59 in the DMG) is moved one column to the left. Thus, a threatening PC becomes cautious, an indifferent PC becomes friendly, etc. Friendship counters (and is countered by) hate.   Happiness: The subject experiences feelings of warmth, well-being, and confidence, modifying all reaction rolls by +3. The subject is unlikely to attack unless provoked. Happiness counters (and is countered by) sadness.   Hate: The subject reacts negatively to any en counter; in game terms, any result of a roll on the Encounter Reactions table is moved one column to the right (i.e., a friendly PC becomes indifferent, a cautious PC becomes threatening, etc.). Hate counters (and is countered by) friendship.   Hope: The subject's morale is improved by +2. His saving throw rolls, attack, and damage rolls are all improved by +1 while this emotion is in effect. Hope counters (and is countered by) hopelessness.   Hopelessness: The subject's morale suffers a -10 penalty. In addition, in the round in which the emotion is initially established, all subjects must immediately make a morale check. Hopelessness counters (and is countered by) hope.   Sadness: The subject feels uncontrollably glum and is prone to fits of morose introspection. All attack rolls suffer a -1 penalty and initiative rolls suffer a +1 penalty. The subject's chance of being surprised is increased by -2. Sadness counters (and is countered by) happiness. All subjects of the second version, even willing targets, must save vs. spell to resist the emotion. In addition to all other modifiers, the saving throw is modified by -1 for every three levels of the priest casting the spell.
[Tome of Magic]
Sphere: Thought, Charm
(Alteration, Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 3
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/ level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: One creature/ 5 levels of the caster within a 20' cube
Saving Throw: Special
Material Components:
both versions: a small bunch of fleece or uncarded wool that is consumed in the casting


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