
Description: The restless spirit of the Explorer makes him the most nomadic of all rangers. His travels take him around the world, as he continually seeks new lands to investigate and new cultures to study. No region is too remote, no society too primitive to pique the Explorer's interest. An expert in communication, survival, and anthropology, the Explorer's skills are invaluable for safely navigating uncharted terrain and negotiating with suspicious natives.

Requirements: An Explorer must have a minimum Intelligence score of 12.

Primary Terrain: Any (no specialization; use for followers and species enemy only).

Role: Motivated as much by curiosity as money, the Explorer spends more of his time planning expeditions than looking for employment. Still, Explorers are in high demand as guides, mapmakers, and scouts. A reputable Explorer can demand a high price for his services. However, rumors of a lost civilization are more likely to intrigue an Explorer than the promise of treasure, and he chooses his jobs accordingly.

Though a Pathfinder or similarly skilled guide plays a crucial role in leading an expedition through unexplored territory, it's often an Explorer who's actually in charge. The Explorer decides when it's best to forge ahead and when to rest. He knows that small parties travel better than large ones, as each additional member increases the likelihood of delays from injury and disease. Above all, he understands the relationship between safety and self-restraint. He discourages his companions from taking unnecessary risks whenever possible.

An Explorer balances his natural impulsiveness with healthy doses of caution and common sense. More of a scholar than a brawler, he is usually a reluctant combatant, resorting to violence only when all other options fail. But when attacking, he fights with a single-mindedness that can border on savagery. A seasoned Explorer counsels his companions to follow two rules vital to wilderness survival, particularly where primitive civilizations are suspected to exist: (1) negotiating is usually preferable to attacking; and (2) if you intend to attack, then attack to kill.

Weapon Proficiencies: Because an Explorer favors lightweight, easy-to-use weapons, his weapon proficiencies are confined to the following choices: short bow, light crossbow, dagger, dart, knife, sling, short sword.

Nonweapon Proficiencies:

Special Bonus: Survival; the Explorer receives the benefits of this proficiency in all terrain types. Assigning additional slots to this proficiency does not enhance its use in any way.

Required: Cartography*, Reading/Writing.

Recommended: Ancient History, Bowyer/Fletcher, Camouflage*, Direction Sense, Distance Sense*, Endurance, Fire-Building, Fishing, Foraging*, Herbalism, Hunting, Languages, Ancient, Languages, Modern, Mountaineering, Navigation, Rope Use, Signaling*, Swimming, Trail Marking*, Trail Signs*, Weather Sense.

Armor/Equipment: An Explorer has no special armor or equipment requirements. However, he rarely wears armor heavier than leather and most Explorers find shields awkward and confining.

Species Enemy: Any.

Followers: An Explorer has the normal 2d6 career limit (however, see Special Hindrances).

Special Benefits:

Languages: An Explorer has the capability of learning twice the normal number of languages allowed by his Intelligence score. For instance, an Explorer with an Intelligence score of 12 can learn six languages instead of the usual three. All languages still cost a proficiency slot each.

Find the Path: The Explorer can use this ability to sense the correct direction that will eventually lead to a desired geographical locale, which must be in an outdoor setting. The Explorer must have some clue, map, information, or body of research about the locale in order to use this ability. It can be used once per week, providing a day's worth of guidance (hence it is of greatest use on an expedition of weeks or months duration).

Culture Sense: This ability allows the Explorer to acquire general knowledge about the laws and customs of a tribe, village, or settlement. Once per week, the Explorer may attempt to use this ability by touching a member of the tribe or village. The villager must have the knowledge the Explorer wishes to gain; for instance, the villager can't be an infant or mentally deficient. Cooperation of the villager isn't required; touching an attacking or sleeping villager works as well.

The villager must make a saving throw vs. spells. If the throw succeeds, the Explorer learns nothing. If the throw fails, the Explorer acquires an instant understanding of the villager's laws and customs, including those applicable to related clans or tribes (such as the social etiquette pertaining to all aarakocra in the region, not just this particular group). Information learned through this ability might include local laws (no one is allowed on the village streets after dark without written permission), accepted courtesies (strangers bow to all children), and cultural taboos (hats and other head coverings are considered offensive). Successful use of this ability also gives the Explorer a +1 reaction adjustment when encountering any other members of the tribe, village, or settlement.

The DM may limit the quality and amount of information in any way he sees fit. The knowledge acquired through this ability doesn't ensure proper conduct; the Explorer's behavior (and the player's decisions) will ultimately determine the reaction of all villagers.

Special Hindrances:

Limited Animal Empathy: Because he spends little time in one place, and much of his time is spent on native cultures and geographical studies, an Explorer does not develop animal empathy to the degree of other rangers. When dealing with wild or attack-trained animals, the animal's saving throw vs. rods has a +2 bonus. Further, the Explorer must make a successful Wisdom check when trying to calm or befriend domestic animals.

Few Followers: The Explorer would travel lightly, unencumbered by followers that require his attention. Thus, he will have no more than two followers at the same time. If he already has two followers, a new follower won't arrive until one of his current followers is dismissed, lost, or killed.

No Fortifications: An Explorer has little interest in the responsibilities associated with property ownership. He will never build a castle or any other fortification.

[Complete Ranger's Handbook]


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