False Face

This spell enables a necromancer to copy the face of another human, demihuman, or humanoid, either living or dead. It has no effect on undead. The wizard gains the facial features of the chosen individual of either sex, providing the subject lies within range and the caster can clearly see the face he or she is trying to emulate.   The caster does not gain any sensory abilities (or disabilities) associated with the new face. For example, if the caster copies a blind man's face, the wizard still retains his or her normal sight. The caster retains his or her normal voice, too, as well as height, bodily appearance, spells, and spell-like abilities.   The false face serves as an effective disguise, though it radiates a magical aura of necromancy. Spells that detect or banish illusions have no effect on this disguise; the false face is not illusionary. It may be reversed with dispel magic.   The material components are consumed in the casting.
[Complete Book of Necromancers]
School:Necromancy, Alteration
Level: 3
Rarity: Uncommon
Range: 10 yards/ level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
Material Components:
a small ball of natural rubber and a small mirror


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