Fear Contagion

A priest casting fear contagion selects a single creature to be the focus of the spell. The creature is affected by magical fear and receives no saving throw to avoid the effect. All creatures within 10 yards of the target creature must make a saving throw versus spell with a -4 penalty; failure indicates that they are also affected by fear.   If BATTLESYSTEM rules are used, the spell forces the affected unit to make a Morale Check at a -6 penalty. If this roll fails, the unit automatically routs.   Creatures affected by fear will flee in a direction away from the spellcaster for as long as they are able to run. Such creatures will then spend one full turn cowering after being forced to rest. During this time, affected creatures suffer -4 penalties to attack rolls, and all dexterity bonuses are negated.   When using BATTLESYSTEM rules, fearstruck creatures are permitted rally tests with a -3 penalty and must engage in rout movement until they rally. However, a rally test is not permitted until two turns of rout movement have been completed.   As creatures run in fear, their fear is contagious. Any creature that comes within 10 yards of a creature affected by this spell must make a saving throw (no penalties) or be forced to flee from the spellcaster. In BATTLESYSTEM rules, creatures make a standard Morale Check with a -3 penalty.   Creatures affected by fear no longer cause fear in others after they have passed one mile from the original center of the spell effect.
[Tome of Magic]
Sphere: Charm, War
Range: 240 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special


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