Frisky Chest

With this spell, the caster can enchant a chest, book, or any other nonliving object no larger than a 10' x 10' x 10' cube. When any creature other than the caster comes within three feet of the enchanted object, it instantly sprouts appendages and moves away from the creature as quickly as possible. The enchanted object continues to move until it is at least 10 feet away from the nearest creatures in the area.   After the enchanted object has moved a satisfactory distance from the nearest creature, the appendages disappear. When a creature again comes within three feet of the enchanted object, the enchanted object sprouts appendages and flees. This process continues until the enchantment is negated (through a dispel magic or similar spell) or the enchanted object is subdued or destroyed.   The enchanted object can sprout feet (MV 24), wings (Fl 24, maneuverability class B), or fins (Sw 24), whichever is most advantageous. Thus, a book on a shelf might sprout wings and fly away, while a table might gallop around a room.   The enchanted object can freely and instantly trade appendages as necessary. The enchanted object will move only through open spaces. It will not crash through windows, shatter a closed door, or dig through the earth. It cannot attack or take any actions other than movement. If surrounded or cornered, the enchanted object moves in random directions until it is restrained or destroyed.   The enchantment ends if the caster voluntarily negates it. if the enchanted object is destroyed (the object has the same vulnerabilities as it has in its normal state), or if the enchanted object is restrained for 2-5 (1d4 +1) consecutive rounds. Restraint means that the object is prevented from fleeing; if a creature is able to grapple, lift, or sit on the object, it is considered restrained. A creature capable of lifting the object in its normal state is considered strong enough to restrain it (for instance, a person capable of lifting a 50-pound box is also capable of restraining such a box enchanted by frisky chest). The object may also be restrained by tossing a net or heavy blanket over it or by surrounding it with several characters.
[Tome of Magic]
Sphere: Wards
Level: 2
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 10-foot cube
Saving Throw: None
Material Components:
a dried frog's leg, a feather, and a fish scale


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