Imago Interrogation

The imago is a mental image — a form of mental magical body. After casting this spell (requiring 1 turn), the caster falls asleep. After 1d6 turns of sleep, the imago of the priest begins to travel. The imago is not subject to any forms of attack and has no effective attacks.   The imago may travel to as many as four different locations separated by any distance, even across the planes and/or backward in time. At these locations. the imago may interrogate the imagos of as many as 10 other sentient creatures (other than deities), compelling them to reply truthfully to its questions. A maximum of 40 questions may be asked during the spell duration. Asking one question and listening to the reply takes 4 rounds of time in the caster's world. Each planar/ time jump lasts 3 turns in that world.   Imago communications are telepathic. The questions must be able to be answered in a sentence of reasonable length, or the interrogated creature becomes confused and cannot answer.   The imagos of interrogated creatures will have no recollection of their interrogations. As a result, history cannot be changed through backward time travel using this spell.
[Tome of Magic]
Sphere: Astral, Divination, Time
(Divination, Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None


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