Impeding Permission

This spell may be cast only on creatures with Intelligence of 2 or greater and the ability to communicate with the caster. The spell interferes with the victim's ability to make decisions. It prevents the victim from performing any action without first gaining the permission of the caster or a character designated by the caster. The victim will heed only the person designated by the caster.   Before the victim undertakes any action, he must gain permission. He will not follow through with an action until he gains permission. If permission is denied, the victim cannot act until he thinks of an alternate action and gains permission for that action.   Every round, the victim must decide his action for that round; at the victim's initiative, he must ask permission to perform his action. If permission is denied, the victim can take no other action that round.   The only actions exempt from the need for permission are involuntary actions such as breathing. Asking and gaining permission takes only a short amount of time in most cases. A simple request, such as asking for permission to swing a sword in the middle of combat, can be accomplished quickly. Complicated requests, such as getting permission to act on a complicated plan, will naturally take more time. The DM may consider adding a modifier to the victim's initiative roll in such cases.
[Tome of Magic]
Sphere: Law
Level: 5
Range: 150 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 turn/ level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Negates


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