Instant Audience

When this spell is cast, audience members are magically conjured. Each round 1d4 people enter the room or area in a normal manner. (They actually appear just outside the room when no one is looking.) This continues for a number of rounds equal to the caster's level.

The audience contains a combination of races, gender, and social class appropriate to the occasion.

Instant audience members act in every way like any other members of the audience. They walk around during intermission, talk, eat snacks, and so on. However, they always evade questions about their past, their history, or current events, as they have no past, no history, and have no idea as to what is going on in the world outside of the room.

Instant audience members are strictly noncombative and never attack or cast spells (although they can be bullies or braggarts if that is appropriate). If one suffers even a single point of damage, he instantly vanishes along with all of his items (including items no longer on his body, such as clothes that he hung in the linen closet).

Once the performance ends, instant audience members leave in an appropriate manner and vanish as soon as they are out of view.

If the audience is treated in an inappropriate way (as determined by the DM), the spell instantly ends. For example, an audience could be summoned to watch a combat, but if the audience is used as a human shield, it vanishes.

The material components are tossed into a bag that contains at least one live mouse. The mouse is not destroyed, but vanishes during the spell to reappear somewhere in the room after the spell ends.

[Complete Bard's Handbook]
School: Conjuration
Level: 3
Rarity: Common
Restrictions: Bards only
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Up to 4 hours
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 1 room or area within range
Saving Throw: None
Material Components: a small collection of the items carried by the appropriate audience (a gold coin, a piece of fine fabric, a snuff box, etc.) (consumed) and a live mouse


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