Lendor (LEN-door)

The Prince of Time, The Master of Tedium

Time, tedium, patience and study

Greater God of The Wheel of Time/Mechanus, Lawful Neutral
Origin: Suloise
Domain: The Wheel of Time in Mechanus (Nirvana)
Aliases: None
Superior: None
Allies: Unknown
Enemies: Unknown
Symbol: a crescent moon crossing a full moon surrounded by 14 stars
Worshipper's Alignment: Lawful figures, also magic-users and astronomers
  Lendor is the leader and progenitor of the Suel pantheon. He appears as a husky older Suel man with long white hair and beard. This very old Suel Power is referred to as the "Prince of Time and Tedium," which explains why his reverence is almost extinct on Oerth.   The Prince of Time and Master of Tedium only concerns himself with the greater machinations of time and the universe. As such, he is aloof and rarely intervenes on Oerth, although he has been known to step in when his children get out of hand, but this is rare. Lendor considers himself superior to the other gods and especially to his children, as he has the ability to banish any of his children or undo their magic.   A blow from his flaming sword Afterglow is said to be the force that started the flow of time at the dawn of the universe. His holy symbol is a crescent moon in front of a new moon surrounded by fourteen stars (sometimes less or more).   He has very few priests and worshippers — mainly sages, old men, recordkeepers and others who seldom influence the world at large.   Lendor does have the ability tyo reverse time once per day. Lendor will use this power sparingly, usually only employing it to serve his personal purpose or on behalf of the most faithful of followers. Every time it is used, there is a 20% chance that the fabric of time inside the area of effect will be torn asunder. If this occurs, each creature in the area will be thrown backward in time from 10 to 1,000 years (roll separately for each figure affected).


The present should be kept in perspective. Time stretches to infinity, and issues that seem pressing are merely a smaller part of a larger whole. In order to make sense of the universe, one must look at the entire mosaic instead of just a part of it. Age brings experience, wisdom, and the impetus to take things slow.

Lendor's Priests

The priesthood of Lendor is elderly, rigid, and uncreative.   Unswervingly devoted to law and neutrality, the priesthood of Lendor ties itself to endless rituals, meticulous formalities and careful observation of the long-term effects of actions. They consider themselves superior to other priests and expect respect from their inferiors.   Lendor’s clergy are mostly older, particularly sages, village elders, and record keepers. They tend to have little interaction with the outside world, remaining cloistered in their libraries and temples for years at a time. Occasionally a younger person will be drawn to this faith, taking the role of wandering adviser, preaching the need to keep the present in perspective; these preachers often become advisers to conservative leaders or mount expeditions to recover ancient tomes and artifacts lost for generations.

Specialty Priests

Ability Scores: Intelligence 14, Wisdom 13
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Weapons: long sword or any non-edged weapon
Armor: leather, chain
Raiment: silver robes adorned with a black circle containing Lendor's holy symbol
Major Spheres: All, Astral, Divination, Elemental (air), Healing, Law, Thought, Time
Minor Spheres: Charm, Guardian, Necromantic, Numbers, Protection
Additional Spells: none

Granted Powers

1) +2 protection (as if wearing a ring of protection +2, +2 bonus to all proficiency checks on tasks that take 1 turn or more to complete
3) Withdraw (double duration from priest's perspective)
5) Slow
7) perform tedious tasks in half the normal time, casting time of 1st-level spells reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1)
10) perform any task for twice as long without needing food or rest, casting time of 2nd-level spells reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1)
13) immune to Time Stop and other time-affecting spells cast by other beings except Lendor; shapechange into silver dragon once per week
Turn Undead: No
Command Undead: No

Major Places of Worship

Temples to Lendor exist only in large cities, notably Lo Reltarma and Irongate.
[Adapted from The Scarlet Brotherhood by Sean Reynolds, the Living Greyhawk Gazeteer, and Presenting the Suel Pantheon by Lenard Lakofka (Dragon Magazine #86)]


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