
Minotaur Ability Score Range


Ability Score Adjustments: The initial ability scores are modified by a +2 bonus to Strength and Constitution, and a -2 penalty to Wisdom and Charisma.

Hit Dice: Player character minotaurs receive hit dice by class. In addition, they receive 6 bonus hit points at first level.

Alignment: Minotaurs tend toward chaotic evil. PC minotaurs may be of any alignment.

Natural Armor Class: 6

Allowed Classes: Fighter, Ranger, Mage, Witch Doctor, Thief

Multiclass:Fighter/Thief, Fighter/Mage

Height & Weight: Humanoid Average Height & Weight table

Age: Humanoid Age Table

Kit Summary: Humanoid Character Kit Summary

Thieving Skill: Humanoid Thieving Skill Racial Adjusment table

Background: These details are for general play in the standard campaign worlds. Minotaurs elsewhere may differ (notably those of Krynn, the DRAGONLANCE?® setting).

Most minotaurs are either cursed humans or the offspring of minotaurs and humans. All of these minotaurs are male, very muscular and broad, and very tall (7 to 7 1/2 feet tall). They have the headof a bull and the body of a human male. They usually live in a very primitive fashion, in caves, forests, or ruins. Minotaurs venerate physical strength above all else. The strong, they believe, should naturally rule. Surrender is viewed as weakness, so minotaurs fight (or argue) to the death. They are extremely cunning and have excellent senses. They will attack without fear and retreat only if the opponent is obviously beyond their ability to defeat.

While many minotaurs are brutal, uncivilized savages, they are not mindless killers. Most are ruthless, harsh, and stubborn, but someare thoughtful and even sophisticated. A few are known for gentleness and kindness.

Languages: (non-native languages require a nonweapon proficiency slot be spent) Minotaur, common.

Role-Playing Suggestions: Much of the impetus for role-playing a minotaur can involve reclaiming a lost human heritage, or finding some way to fit into the campaign world in a civilized manner.

Though the curse that afflicts some minotaurs makes them chaotic, adventuring minotaurs usually reject the evil that others of their kind embrace. However, they value strength, and maybe seduced by the idea that might makes right. Also, any opportunity to alleviate their curse is grabbed for, perhaps to the exclusion of reason and safety.

In general, however, they make valuable,if unpredictable, allies.

Special Advantages: Minotaurs receive a +2 bonus to their surprise rolls. They can track prey by scent 50% of the time. They are immune to Maze spells and receive a +3 bonus to their morale scores (including saves vs. magical fear). They have 60’ infravision.

Special Disadvantages: Minotaurs take damage as large creatures.

Monstrous Traits: Appearance, bestial habits.

Superstitions: They dislike spellcasters.

Weapon Proficiencies: Flail, Great Axe, oaken club.

Suggested Nonweapon Proficiencies: Alertness, Animal Noise, Blind-Fighting, Direction Sense, Drinking, Eating, Hunting, Intimidation, Natural Fighting, Religion, Seamanship, Tracking, Wild Fighting.

[Complete Book of Humanoids]


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