
Creatures affected by this spell are put to sleep for one hour. Upon awakening, the creature is as refreshed as if he had slept for eight hours. The affected person recovers lost hit points as if he rested for a full night. Wizards can memorize spells as if real time had passed.   Because the rest is so complete and rejuvenating, a character does not feel fatigued after waking. Attempts to use nap more than once in an 18-hour period are ineffective (the character simply is not sleepy). Only willing subjects can be affected by nap.
[Tome of Magic]
Sphere: Time
Level: 2
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: One creature/level
Saving Throw: None
Material Components:
a scrap of pillow ticking, a feather, and a pebble that the caster has kept in his pocket for seven nights


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