Pholtus (Fohl-tus)

of the Blinding Light

Unbending Law, Order, Inflexibility, Resolution, the Sun, the Moon

Lesser God; LN (LG)
Aliases/Titles: The Blinding Light
Domain Name: Justica, on the plane of Nirvana, the plane of ultimate law
Superior: None
Origin: Oeridian
Allies: Pelor, Heironeous
Rivals: St. Cuthbert, Norebo, Atroa, Sotillion, Telchur, Velnius, and Wenta
Enemies: Tharizdun, Trithereon, Xan Yae, any chaotic deities
Symbol: a silvery sun partially eclipsed by a small crescent moon
Core Worshippers: Population of the nation of the Theocracy of the Pale (Lawful Neutral aspect)
Common Worshippers: Lawyers, judges
Uncommon Worshippers: astronomers
Worshipper’s Alignment: Lawful Neutral or Lawful Good

The Church

There are two primary factions that follow the teachings of Pholtus. The first is the primary arm of the church, the ones tht follow the Lawful Neutral aspect of Pholtus's teachings. The other is a splinter group that follows the Lawful Good aspect of Pholtus. While the two groups agree on most aspects of the teachings, there are differences of opinion that will often cause the two sides to come to blows. The main church believes that combatting chaos is the primary function of the church, while the Lawful Good faction belives that destroying evil is the most important function of the church.   The Lawful Good faction also does not believe, except in the case of dealing with evil, that they should be be judge, jury, and execution. They believe in Justice above all, but the main church believes that killing those not in the right is completely justified.


Pholtus is portrayed as a tall, slender man, clad in a white silk robe, with pale skin, flowing white hair, and bright blue eyes that shine with the inner fire of devotion. He holds an ivory staff shod with silver and topped with an electrum disc, the Silvery Sun.   One thing both factions agree on: Pholtus set the sun and moon in the sky and maintains them in their rigid procession to show all creatures the One True Way, a strict path that allows no deviation but absolutely assures rightness (not to be confused with righteousness).   The One True Way guides the faithful, known as Pholtans, in the ways of mental, moral, and physical purity as laid out in the holy scriptures Libra Sanctus Vox. Some examples are:
  • Alcohol, spirits, and other recreational drugs, as well as the use of tobacco and pipe weed are to be abstained from
  • Pleasures of the flesh are to be avoided especially prior to marriage
  • Relations are for procreation only, not pleasure
  • Women who are out of their homes and not accompanied by a male family member must be covered in white from head to toe, and their faces must be covered at all times.
  • Gambling is abhorrent in the eyes of Pholtus. Money earned should be used to support the family, the community, and the church through the contribution of tithes
  • no foul or blasphemous language
  • The practice of magic is considered to be witchcraft is expressly prohibited. The penalty for disobeying this tenet is death, and the Pholtans are granted the permission of Pholtus to act as judge, jury, and executioner in these cases. The exception to this is the Divine Magic granted by Pholtus. To be sure, the execution of chaotics, criminals, and evil is not considered murder in the eyes of Pholtus.
  • Murder/manslaughter is punsihible by death.
  • Theft of any kind is strictly prohibited
  • The devotion to and the practice of any tenets of any other faith, or acknowledgement of any of the false gods is prohibited
  • Consistent exercise is key to developing a strong body. Therefore, every Pholtan must join the local chapter of the church militia and participate in weapons and combat training from the age of 15 on. The most promising are sent to Wintershiven to be trained as priests of Pholtus, or trained in the ways of the Church Militant
  • Combat sports are also highly effective for keeping the body strong and is highly encouraged
  • Do not question your betters and superiors, organization and law are all
  • Duty to Pholtus, Duty to the Church, Duty to community, Duty to family, Duty to self
  • Chaos and evil are to be rooted out and destroyed whereever found, in that order
  • There is no tolerance for those who do not enforce the cause of Law and Order
Those who follow the Lawful Neutral aspect of the faith are as inflexible as their patron diety. Law and order is everything, and is the ultimate goal of the church. They will stop at nothing to gain converts to the light. They are also willing to openly fight followers of the Knights Valorus and the Lawful Good faction, believing them to have lost their way and viewing them as heretics. While Pholtus is the god of light, the Lawful Neutral Pholtans believe he is also the one, true sun god. This brings them to view followers of Pelor as heretics and are not above killing or torturing the followers of Pelor, believing him to be a false god and usuprer.   Laws are to be blindly obeyed, no matter how bad they may be. Those who make the laws know what is best for you. Laws were created to keep society organized, and it is only through this organization and instruction that civilization can advance. Law is never good nor evil, and anyone showing any signs of individuality immediately disappears into the dungeons of the Fortress of Light in Wintershiven for reeducation, and are not released until they have given themselves completely over to Pholtus.   Structure and compliance are the keys to a good society, and the Pholtans have a rigid hierarchy within their ranks.   The Pholtans openly try to get their priests onto the small councils of lords and ladies all across the Flanaess in order to give advice on the One True Way to the light. So far, only one such cleric has made it to a small council in the Duchy of Tenh. Attempts made in the Great Kingdom has resulted in executions.   The church of Pholtus is also more strict with military training and discipline. They are among the most militant of the clerical orders.   Holy Scripture: Libra Sanctus Vox (Book of the Holy Voice), the most sacred writings of the faith. Oddly enough, however, neither faction currently possesses this manuscript. Each faction thinks the other has it, but neither truly knows where it is or who has it.

Day-to-Day Activities

Pholtus’ priests are most active in cities,where they continually seek to reveal the light to unbelievers. Being as inflexible as their deity, they brook no argument, and resisters are quickly shown the way of the Blinding Light (usually with a Continual Light spell squarely between the eyes), but it may also devolve into fisticuffs. If one faction run across members of the other faction, or followers of St. Cuthbert, fisticuffs or combat is certain to occur.   Priests of Pholtus are generally disliked by most other priesthoods (especially those of the rival St. Cuthbert, and chaotic priests).   Priests of Pholtus are expected to observe stringent standards of morality and righteousness.   These clerics get along well with conservative paladins. When not preaching, they act as judges, lawyers, and arbiters. They are never completely without light if they can help it. Magical light is preferred, but a candle or a piece of luminous fungus will serve if no other light is available.

Major Centers of Worship

The church's main temple is located in the city of Wintershiven in the Theocracy of the Pale. This is the center of the Lawful Neutral faction of the religion. This is the only religion permitted within the borders of the Pale by law.   The Lawful Good faction is based in Nyrond, near the border with the Pale, in the city of Midmeadow.   Buildings consecrated to Pholtus are solid white, primarily constructed of white marble. Services include many brightly burning candles, long sermons, and choruses of the worshipper’s anthem, “O Blinding Light.”

Affiliated Orders

The Church Militant
The Church Militant, or Whitecloaks as they are derisively known, are the military wing of the church. In addition to their duties defending the frontiers of the Pale, groups of whitecloaks patrol the countryside, seeking out agents of chaos and evil. Dressed in their white robes over their armor, they move from village to village, town to town tending to the faithful, and seeking those who are straying from the path.   Those who have strayed are often turned over to the Questioners, those priests who accompany the patrols. The Questioners will resort to any means they deem necessary to receive the answers they seek, including imprisonment, bloodletting, or minor torture. These patrols have also been known to cross borders into other kingdoms in pursuit of their quarry, creating tensions with other nations, primarily Nyrond. This has resulted in the Kingdom of Nyrond keeping a close eye on the Lawful Good faction located in Midmeadow.   The Church Militant has no paladins in their ranks, but they do have a group known as the Crusaders, and they do have some paladin-like powers:
  • A crusader can detect the presence of chaotic intent up to 60 feet away by concentrating on locating chaos in a particular direction. He can do this as often as desired, but each attempt takes one round. This ability detects chaotic monsters and characters.
  • A crusader receives a +2 bonus to all saving throws.
  • A crusader is immune to all forms of curses.
  • A crusader is surrounded by an aura of protection with a 10-foot radius. Within this radius. all summoned and specifically chaotic creatures suffer a -1 penalty to their attack rolls, regardless of whom they attack. Creatures affected by this aura can spot its source easily, even if the crusader is disguised.
  • A crusader can cast priest spells once he reaches 9th level. He can cast only spells of the combat, divination, healing, sun, and protective spheres. (Spheres are explained in the Priest section.) The acquisition and casting of these spells abide by the rules given for priests and follow the progression table under Paladin.
  Crusaders dress in white tunics of the finest silk over their armor, decorated with the sun, depictions of blinding light, and small crescent moons. Their ranks are also sewn into these tunics for people to easily recognize the station of the crusader. The tunics have thin silvery and gold bordersalong the shoulders and the sleeves.   Most crusaders believe they are above everyone else, and are arrogant in that view, expecting those beneath them to jump when they say so, acting much like cavaliers from the 1st edition Unearthed Arcana, or the Cavalier kit.
Knights Valorus
The Knights Valorus are the true Paladins of Pholtus. Morality and faithfulness to Pholtus and his One True Way are the primary drivers of the Knights Valorus. These knights seek the destruction of evil, darkness, and chaos, in that order. While some individual Pholtan paladins can be as merciful as paladins of Pelor or Heironeous, doubt and mercy towards their enemies are not considered virtues in their tradition, and many believe them to be weaknesses.   Pholtan paladins traditionally dress in white and pale yellow tunics of fine linen or silk, with silvery borders decorated with suns and moons or excerpts from Pholtan scripture. Although the number of Pholtan paladins in this order number less than 50 members, the ranks are rounded out by other non-paladin warriors drawn from the faithful.

Priests (The Enlightened)

Ability score minimum requirements: Wisdom 14 or Charisma 13
Prime Requisites: Wisdom
XP Bonus: +5%
Alignment: Lawful Neutral (especially in the Pale), Lawful Good
Weapons: flail, mace, morningstar, scourge, staff (1st level), staff-sling, sling, warhammer
Armor: Any
Raiments: See below Major Spheres: Astral, Combat, Divination, Guardian, Healing, Law, Protection, Sun, War
Minor Spheres: Charm, Divination, Necromantic, Summoning, Wards
Clergy: Clerics, specialty priests, paladins
Clergy's Alignment: LN, LG
Turn Undead: Yes
Command Undead: No
Required Proficiencies: TBD
Bonus Proficiencies: TBD
  Clerics of Pholtus are divided into three ranks, based on steps of four levels:
  • Glimmering (levels 1-4) wearing white robes
  • Gleaming (5-8) white robes with silver trim
  • Shining (9-13) white robes with gold trim
  • Radiant (14+) gold robes with silver trim
Powers: All special spells are cumulative so that a Shining cleric can cast three special spells. The spells are cast at the cleric’s level and do not count against the cleric’s spell maximum. Clerics of Pholtus are never completely without light if they can help it. Magical light is preferred but a candle or piece of luminous fungus will do in a pinch.

Additional Spells

In addition to the spells listed above, priests of Pholtus have access to the following spells:

O Blinding Light

Oh Pholtus,
O’ Blinding Light,
Bright is your Wisdom.
Aid us it will to conquer the Heretics.
O Blinding Light,
Give us the Light of the Day, as we praise you at Dawn.
Give us the Light of the Night, as we praise you at Dusk.
  O Blinding Light.
I praise the Word of Pholtus,
O Blinding Light.
Defending His honor.
O Blinding Light.
I reveal your Light to the Converts.
O Blinding Light.
Protect us, your faithful servants.
O Blinding Light of Pholtus.
Light, The Divine Substance From The Creator.


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