Procan (proh-CAN)

Lord Of the Seven Seas, The Ancient Mariner, Sailor of Sea and Sky, The Storm Lord, Prince of Winds

Oceans, seas, weather, salt, sailing, navigation

Greater God of Seasedge, Chaotic Neutral
Aliases: none
Domain Name: Limbo/Seasedge
Origin: Oeridian
Superior: none
Allies: Aerdrie Faenya, Atroa, Celestian, Fharlanghn, Sotillion, Stronmaus, Telchur, Velnius, Wenta, Zilchus
Enemies: Dagon, Osprem, Panzuriel, Phaulkon, Sekolah, Xerbo
Symbol: Trident over a cresting wave or a cresting wave
Worshipper's Alignment: Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Evil
  Procan is the Oeridian god of things nautical and meteorological, worshiped in ports along the coasts of the Flanaess and by humans of all ethnicities, particularly fishers and sailors who seek to placate his tempestuous nature. Procan is also worshiped in inland regions of the Flanaess of predominantly Oerdian settlement, albeit to a lesser extent, as the god of weather. This aspect of his portfolio is closest to his original role amongst the Oerid tribes but also overlaps with that of Velnius. A few sentient aquatic creatures, particularly mermen, worship him as well.   Procan is served by Velnius and the four Wind Gods — Atroa of the Levanter (east wind), Sotillon of the Sirocco (south wind), Telchur of the Mistral (north wind), and Wenta of the Zephyr (west wind) — all of whom are among his offspring. The Lord of the Seven Seas maintains good relations with most other powers of the Oeridian pantheon, with the notable exceptions of Heironeous and Hextor and the Suel gods of the sea and sky, Phaulkon and Xerbo . The Sailor of Sea and Sky is as mercurial as the wind, as powerful and unforgiving as the oceans. Procan vacillates between ebullient high spirits, characterized by humor and passion for life, and dark, morose brooding, characterized by pessimism and a violent temper. The only constant in Procan's emotional state is that neither extreme persists for long. He is ever greedy for treasure, hoarding that which grows or falls on the sea bed.

The Church

Clergy: Clerics, crusaders, specialty priests
Clergy's Alignment: Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil
Turn Undead: Yes except Crusaders
Command Undead: No
All clerics, crusaders, and specialty priests of Procan receive religion (Oeridian, common, sea) as a bonus non-weapon proficiency.   Along the coasts of the lands once held by the Kingdom of Aerdy (The Great Kingdom), the primacy of the church of Procan with regards to the sea is unchallenged. As Xerbo's faith is spread among the seafaring barbarians of the Thillonrian peninsula and the merchants of Lendore Isle, and Osprem's among the merchants of Lendore Isle and the Lordship of the Isles, naval conflicts between those realms and the Great Kingdom have a religious dimension as well.   Along the coast of the Azure Sea and in other regions where worship of both Suel and Oerid pantheons is common however, followers of Procan, Osprem, and Xerbo often sail together on the same ships, and even ally against outside threats. Since Procan embodies the wilder and tempestuous aspects of the ever-changing seas however, his church is viewed with distrust compared to his rivals, Osprem, and Xerbo. As a result, his faith slowly wanes in the Sheldomar Valley region.   Regionally prominent temples of the Lord of the Seven Seas are great granite structures whose soaring spires seem to touch the sky. The Ancient Mariner's cathedrals are built to embrace both storms and the sea. Most are drafty, damp, and set in the path of incoming storms. Procan's shoreline temples are typically situated on rain-lashed bluffs overlooking the sea. Inland temples sit in the foothills of one of the mountain ranges of the Flanaess atop the highest tor in the local region or amid low-lying salt flats. Smaller chapels and shrines catering to sailors are known as bethels. They can be found dockside in most port cities where followers of the Ancient Mariner live or visit.   Clerics of Procan avoid complexities in life (the faith itself has few rituals) and usually live on or near the sea, attending to those who earn their livelihood on the seas. They are considered good luck on sea voyages, and are often hired by captains, or choose to pilot their own vessels. They may be leaders or enemies of pirates. Holy water is made from salt water; their Create Water spells may create fresh or salty water.   Procan novices are known as Swabs. Full priests are known as Sea Salts. In ascending order, titles used by Procanite priests are
  • Sailor of the Seven Seas
  • Helmsman of the Endless Swells
  • Ensign of the Pounding Surf
  • Lieutenant Commander of Cresting Wave
  • Commander of the Lashing Wind
  • Captain of the Sea and Sky
  • High Captain of the Thunderous Storm
  • Admiral of the Hurricane's Eye
High-ranking priests have unique individual titles, but are collectively known as High Admirals. Specialty priests are known as wave rangers.   Clergy includes humans (87%), mermen (10%), half-elves (2%), and other races (1%). Humans come from Oerid (60%), Flannish (7%), Baklunkish (5%), Suel (2%), Olman (1%), and mixed (25%) ancestry. Procan's clergy includes specialty priests (54%), clerics (including multi-classed) (30%), and crusaders (16%). Males and females have about a two to one ratio.


The salty seas and stormy skies are everchanging; they defy prediction. The deep waters that embrace the Oerth are vast and unknown. Their endless waves can ensnare any ship not captained by the Ancient Mariner. Therefore, give reverence to the Lord of the Seven Seas, for his fury is the thunderous storm and his kindness the bountiful blue deeps. All is born from the sea and sky, and to the blue expanse shall return.

Day-to-Day Activities

The majority of Procan's priests live and dress simply, eschewing formal ritual. They attend to those who earn their living on the seas, and often accompany them on sea voyages, for their presence aboard is said to bring good luck. Senior priests often captain their own vessels or fund fishing and merchant fleets.

Holy Days/Important Ceremonies

Followers of Procan offer prayers to the Lord of the Seven Seas at high and low tide each day. More formal ceremonies occur at peak high and low tides of each month and for crews prior to extended sea voyages. When possible, such cere- monies are held in tidal pools or at the high tidemark, always near the largest body of water in the region. They cast offerings of gold and pearls into the sea, and eat small amounts of fish and bread.

Affiliated Orders

The Wolves of the Scarlet Sea are a knightly order of crusaders and warriors who serve as the Storm Lord's militant arm. They are active in many port cities of the Flanaess. Sea Wolves, as they are known, serve as marines aboard Procan ships. They are well-versed in sea combat, boarding techniques, and ship-based assault. Many possess magic to venture underwater. The Keoish branch of the order sponsors twenty privateer ships in the Azure Sea. They combat piracy and have increased maritime commerce safety along the southern coasts of the Flanaess.

Priestly Vestments

The ceremonial garb of Procan's clergy includes dark blue knickers, loose, white shirts, and sky blue or sea green half-capes or robes. Garments are commonly washed in sea water, so are usually salt-encrusted. Sea Salts typically let their hair grow long, pulling it back in a ponytail. Male priests keep their beards neatly trimmed. Silver and gold jewelry is common and ostentatious. No priest of Procan is ever without a trident or flask of sea water (from which their holy water is consecrated). Their holy symbol is a miniature silver trident, often worn as a pendant on a thin silver chain.

Adventuring Garb

Shields and chain mail are common on land, but leather armor predominates in shipboard situations. Cutlasses, tridents, harpoons, nets, and other "sailor" weapons are preferred, and magic which aids in surviving the sea is prized.

Specialty Priests (Wave Rangers)

Requirements: Con 14, Wis 9
Prime Requisite: Constitution, Wisdom
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Weapons: All bludgeoning (Type B) weapons, cutlass, harpoon, net, spear, staff-sling, and trident
Armor: chain mail and below; shield
Major Spheres: All, chaos, combat, divination, elemental (air, water), healing, protection, summoning (aquatic creatures only), sun, weather
Minor Spheres: Animal, charm, creation, necromantic, plant, travelers, war
Magical Items: as clerics and fighters
Required Proficiencies: Spear or trident, navigation, rope use
Bonus Proficiencies: Seamanship, swimming, weather sense
  Granted Powers
  • Wave rangers can turn undead of the sea including lacedons and sea zombies.
  • At 1st level, wave rangers can cast create water (as the 1st level priest spell) thrice per day.
  • At 3rd level, wave rangers can cast water breathing or water walk (as the 3rd level priest spells) once per day.
  • At 5th level, wave rangers can cast call lightning (as the 3rd level priest spell) or weather prediction (as the 3rd level priest spell detailed in PLAYER'S OPTION TM: Spells & Magic) once per day.
  • At 7th level, wave rangers can cast lower water (as the 4th level priest spell) or weather stasis (as the 4th level priest spell detailed in PLAYER'S OPTION: Spells & Magic) once per day.
  • At 9th level, wave rangers can cast airy water (as the 5th level wizard spell) or control winds (as the 5th level priest spell) once per day.
  • At 14th level, wave rangers can cast control weather or conjure air elemental (as the 7th level priest spells) or conjure water elemental or tsunami (as the 7th level priest spells detailed in PLAYER'S OPTION: Spells Magic) once per day.
[Adapted from Procan Lord of the Seven Seas by Eric L. Boyd, Polyhedron #130 and the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer]


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