
The shield-punch is a very basic maneuver. If you are using a buckler, small shield, or medium shield, you can use it to attack with as well as defend, by slamming it into your target's body.

When your turn to attack comes, simply announce that you're shield-punching and make your attack roll. You get no attack bonus from the shield, regardless of its size or magical enchantment.

A shield-punch does 1-3 damage, plus your Strength bonus. Once you have performed a shield-punch, you lose the AC bonus of the shield for the rest of the combat round from now until your next attack. (If you have an attack later in the round, you regain the AC bonus then; If you don't have an attack until next round, you regain the AC bonus at the very start of the next round.)

This is a good maneuver to perform when you've dropped your weapon, as it will do somewhat more damage than a barehanded attack.


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