Ward Matrix

The ward matrix spell links as many as six Iocations within the Prime Material plane. Only Iocations that have a functioning Wards spell may be linked. Ward matrix conjoins the different Wards spells so that each linked site gains the protection of all other wards in the network.   From the place where the ward matrix is cast, magical connections spread to the other designated sites. These can be seen with a true seeing or similar spell as tendrils of magical energy running through the air just above ground level. The connections target their destinations and move toward them at a rate of 40 miles per turn. They can evade barriers such as Anti-Magic Shells by moving above or around them. When the connections reach their destinations, they multiply and spread to connect all other locations in the network; this secondary linkage is established at a rate of 20 miles per turn.   The conjoining of Wards lasts for 60 days unless a linked area is destroyed or a Wards spell is dispelled. Any location that is destroyed or has its Wards spell dispelled is removed from the matrix; other connections remain intact for the duration.
[Tome of Magic]
Sphere: Wards
Range: Special
Components: V, S
Duration: 60 days
Casting Time: 6 turns
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None


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