Water to Wine

When this spell is cast, the priest causes a like volume of water or other liquid to become any of a variety of wines or other alcoholic beverages, randomly determined by the DM. Such wines spoil within 24 hours, and unlike the spell Create Food & Water, this duration may not be extended by the use of a Purify Food & Drink spell. For each experience level the priest has attained, one gallon of water is turned into wine. (It is known that entire congregations have cooperated to turn public pools and fountains into open vats that may be enjoyed by all.)


Sphere: Creation
Level: 3
Range: 25 feet + 5feet/2 lvls
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One gallon of liquid/level
Saving Throw: None
Material Components: a bunch of grapes (consumed)


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