
This spell creates damaging, gale-force winds capable of destroying structures of less than the sturdiest stone construction. On land, the whirlwind appears as a tornado; at sea, it appears as a hurricane. The whirlwind can be created only where there is room for it to fully form, and its formation require a full turn. It automatically scatters unprotected creatures with up to 3 Hit Dice, who must make a successful saving throw vs. death magic or be killed. It grounds all flying creatures, who must make a successful saving throw vs. death magic or crash, taking falling damage. Unprotected creatures with 4 or more Hit Dice take 3d6 points of damage per round of exposure from buffeting, flying debris, etc. and cannot move into the wind (in other words, toward the caster). The whirlwind has the same effect as an Earthquake on all structures except those made of solidly constructed stone.

The whirlwind moves at a rate of 30 to 60 yards per round according to the desire of the caster, and the caster can vary its direction by up to 60 degrees per round. The caster must concentrate on the whirlwind for a full round to change its speed or direction.

[Faiths & Avatars]

Aerdrie Faenya

Sphere: Elemental (Air)
Level: 7
Range: 120 yards
Components: V, M
Duration: 3+1d4 rounds
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: A 270-foot-high cone with an apex 30 feet in diameter and a 10-foot-diameter base
Saving Throw: Special
Material Components: the priest’s holy symbol and a piece of straw


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