
By means of this spell, the wild mage is able to channel raw magical energy through himself, shaping it into any form or effect he desires. The energy is similar in many ways to a Wish spell, but has unique differences.   Wildfire allows the caster to create the effect of any wizard spell of 8th level or lower. He need only have general knowledge of the spell and its effects; the spell does not need to be in his own spellbooks.   Any normal saving throws vs. the spell effects are made at a -2 penalty.   Wildfire can also be used in the creation of magical items. The energy created by the spell may be used to generate effects that are not created by known spells.   Wildfire can also be used to create items out of nothing. The magical energy can be shaped and hardened to form solid objects. These objects have a greenish, glowing tinge and radiate magic. These objects are stronger than steel yet possess almost no weight. They are immune to fire, cold, electricity, and all forms of magical attack except dispel magic and wish spells. Even if they are subjected to these spells, a saving throw is allowed (equal to the creator's saving throw vs. spell).   When creating objects, the caster is limited only by his own skill and the dimensions of the object. Items larger than a 10-foot-radius sphere cannot be fashioned. Creating the object requires only one round, regardless of size. Thus, a wizard could make an impenetrable dome or a small boat with this spell.   Objects made of wildfire are neither stable nor permanent. Since the object is made of magic separated from the magical continuum, the material gradually deteriorates until the magical bonds become too weak to hold the wildfire in the chosen form. This decay takes 1d6 + 4 hours.
[Tome of Magic]
School: Wild Magic
Magic Type: Invocation/Evocation
jRestrictions: Wild Mages only
Level: 9
Rarity: Common
Range: 0
Component: V
Duration: Variable
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Variable
Saving Throw: Variable


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