
This spell is similar in effect to Wildstrike and Wildzone. When cast, a wall of faint, multi-colored lights springs into existence at the point indicated by the caster. These lights form a line 150 feet long. After the first round of the spell, the wizard can move the wall of lights. Each round, the caster can move the wall in the same direction or as much as 45 degrees to either side. Once the wall is set in motion, it cannot be stopped unless the spell is cancelled or dispelled. The lights can move 60 feet per round.

The wildwind has two significant effects. First, all creatures struck by the magical lights suffer 2d6 points of damage. Second, any spellcaster struck while attempting to cast a spell automatically triggers a Wild Surge. Magical items that expend charges that touch the wall of lights automatically release one charge, also resulting in a wild surge.

[Tome of Magic]
School:Wild Magic
Magic Type: Conjuration/Summoning Restriction: Wild Mages only
Level: 9
Rarity: Common
Range: 100 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1d3 turns
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None


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