
This powerful spell creates a disruption in magical forces similar to the conditions found in wild magic regions (areas where the effects of magic have been permanently altered). This spell has only a temporary effect, although the effects of wildzone could possibly be rendered permanent.

The spell creates a wild magic region centered on the caster. The area of effect cannot be shaped in any way; it is always a square 300 feet long on each side (90,000 square feet).

Within the wildzone, wild magic reigns. Any spell cast in the area of effect is automatically treated as a Wild Surge. Effects from magical items that expend charges are also treated as wild surges when used in the area. Other magical items function normally.

Spells cast into the wildzone from outside the area of effect function normally, but spells cannot be cast out of the area of effect without triggering a wild surge.

The pots of paint must be spilled across the sheet of hammered silver before casting.

[Tome of Magic]
School:Wild Magic
Magic Type: Conjuration/Summoning
Restrictions: Wild Mages only
Level: 8
Rarity: Common
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2d6 turns
Casting Time: 1d6 rounds
Area of Effect: 300' x 300' square
Saving Throw: None
Material Components: several pots of paint and a sheet of hammered silver worth no less than 2,000 gp (consumed)


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