Wizard Class

The wizard group encompass all spellcasters working in the various fields of magic—both who specialize in specific schools of magic and those who study a broad range of magical theories. Spending their lives in pursuit of arcane wisdom, wizards have little time for physical endeavors. They tend to be poor fighters with little knowledge of weaponry. However, they command powerful and dangerous energies with a few simple words, rare components, and mystical words.
Each level of experience beyond 20 is an additional 375,000 experience points/level.
An additional 1 Hit Point per level are earned for each level beyond 20.
Spells are the tools, weapons, and armor of the wizard. He is weak in a toe-to-toe fight, but when prepared he can strike down his foes at a distance, vanish in an instant, become a wholly different creature, or even invade the mind of an enemy and take control of his thoughts and actions. No secrets are safe from a wizard and no fortress is secure. His quest for knowledge and power often leads him into realms where mortals were never meant to go.   Wizards cannot wear any armor, for several reasons. Firstly. most spells require complicated gestures and odd posturings by the caster and arrnor restricts the wearer's ability to do these properly. Secondly, the wizard spent his youth (and will spend most of his life) learning arcane languages, poring through old books, and practicing his spells. This leaves no time for learning other things (like how to wear arrnor properly and use it effectively). If the wizard had spent his time learning about arrnor, he would not have the meager skills and powers he begins with. There are even unfounded theories that claim the materials in most armors disrupt the delicate fabric of a spell as it gathers energy; the two cannot exist side by side in harmony. While this idea is popular with the common people, true wizards know this is simply not true. If it were, how would they ever able to cast spells equiring iron braziers or metal bowls?   For similar reasons, wizards are severely retricted in the weapons they can use. They are limited to those that are easy to leam or are sometimes useful in their own research. Hence, a wizard can a dagger or a staff, items that are traditionally useful in magical studies. Other weapons allowed are darts, knives, and slings (weapons that require little skill, little strength, or both).   Wizards can use more magical items than any other characters. These include potions, rings, wands, rods, scrolls, and most miscellaneous magical items. A wizard can use a magical version of any weapon allowed to his class but cannot use magical armor, because no armor is allowed. Between their spells and magical items, however, wizards wield great power.   Finally. all wizards (whether mages or specialists) can create new magical items, ranging from simple scrolls and potions to powerful staves and magic swords. Once he he reaches 9th level, a wizard can pen magical scrolls and brew potions. He can construct more powerful magical items only after he has learned the appropriate spells (or works with someone who knows them). Your DM should consult the Spell Research and Magical Items of the DMG for more information.   No matter what school of magic the wizard is involved in, Intelligence is his prime requisite (or one of several prirne requisites). Characters must have an Intelligence score of at least 9 to qualify to be a wizard.   All wizards use Table 20 to determine their advancement in level as they earn experience points. They also use Table 21 to determine the levels and numbers of spells they can cast at each experience level.
All Wizards gain one four-sided Hit Die (1d4) per level from 1st through 10th levels. After 10th level, wizards earn 1 hit point per level and they no longer gain additional hit point bonuses for high Constitution scores.   Learning and casting spells require long study, patience, and research. Once his adventuring life begins, a wizard is largely responsible for his own education; he no longer has a teacher looking over his shoulder and telling him which spell to learn next. This freedom is not without its price, however. It means that the wizard must find his own source for magical knowledge: libraries, guilds, or captured books and scrolls.   Whenever a wizard discovers instructions for a spell he doesn't know. he can try to read and understand the instructions. The player must roll percentile dice. If the result is equal to or less than the percentage chance to learn a new spell (listed on Table 4: Intelligence, the character understands the spell and how to cast it. He can enter the spell in his spell book (unless he has already learned the maximum number of spells allowed for that level). For this reason, the wizard must be discerning about which spells they transcribe to their spell book and which ones they leave in scroll form.   For clarification, a wizard can cast a Read Magic spell to inspect the contents of the scroll, but this is not the same as learning the spell.   If this die roll is higher than the character's chance to leam the spell, he doesn't understand the spell. Once a spell is learned, it cannot be unlearned. It remains part of that character's repertoire forever. Thus a character cannot choose to "forget" a spell so as to replace it with another.   A Wizard's Spell Book can be a single book, a set of books, a bundle of scrolls, or anything else your DM allows. The spell book is the wizard's diary, laboratory journal, and encyclopedia, containing a record of everything he knows. Naturally, it is his most treasured possession; without it he is almost helpless.   A spell book contains the complicated instructions for casting the spell — the spell's recipe, so to speak. Merely reading these instructions aloud or trying to mimic the instructions does not enable one to cast the spell. Spells gather and shape mystical energies; the procedures involved are very demanding, bizarre, and intricate. Before a wizard can actually cast a spell, he must memorize its arcane formula. This locks an energy pattern for that particular spell into his mind. Once he has the spell memorized, it remains in his memory until he uses the exact combination of gestures, words, and materials that triggers the release of this energy pattern. Upon casting, the energy of the spell is spent, wiped clean from the wizad's mind. The wizard cannot cast that spell again until he returns to his spell book and memorizes it again.
Starting Wizard Spells
When a wizard leaves school, they receive a small number of spells in their spellbooks to start. The initial spellbooks are free, but others cost thousands of gold pieces. Being a wizard is expensive. In general, a newly minted wizard will leave school with the spell Read Magic Magic, Cantrip, one offensive, one defensive, and one general spell.   Offensive spells (Choose 1): Burning Hands; Phantasmal Force; Shocking Grasp; Magic Missile; Sleep
Defensive Spells (Choose 1): Shield; Protection from Evil/Good; Gaze Reflection; Armor; Wall of Fog
General (Choose 1): Light; Hold Portal; Unseen Servant; Detect Magic
  These spells are automatically known. There is no check to see if the wizard can learn them.   Specialist Mages must make sure that a spell chosen from above is not from an opposition school of magic.   Initially the wizard is able to retain only a few of these magical energies in his mind at one time. Furthermore, some spells are more demanding and complex than others; these are impossible for the inexperienced wizard to memorize. With experience, the wizard's talent expands. He can memorize more spells and more complex spells. Still, he never escapes his need to study; the wizard must always return to his spell books to refresh his powers.   [For the purposes of this campaign, a wizard can memorize every spell in theoir spellbook, but can only cast as many spells as their level allows. TYhe spell is not wiped from their minds, and the spell can be cast multiple times a day, depending on the number of slots available. Each morning, some time must be spent to refresh those spells cast.]   Another important power of the wizard is his ability to research new spells and construct magical items. Both endeavors are difficult, time-consuming, costly, occasionally even perilous. Through research, a wizard can create an entirely new spell, subject to the DM's approval. Likewise, by consulting with your DM, your character can build magical items, either similar to those already given in the rules or of your own design. Your DM has information concerning spell research and magical item creation.   Unlike many other characters, wizards gain no special benefits from building a fortress or a stronghold. They can own property and r«eive the normal benefits, such as a monthly income and mercenaries for protection. However, reputations of wizards tend to discourage people from flocking to their doors. At best, a wizard may acquire a few henchmen and apprentices to help in his work.


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