Wizard Sight

Upon completion of this spell, the caster's eyes glow blue and he is able to see the magical auras of spellcasters and enchanted objects. Only the auras of those things normally visible to the caster are seen: this spell does not grant the wizard the ability to see invisible objects, nor does it give him X-ray vision. This spell does not reveal the presence of good or evil or reveal alignment.   While wizard sight is in effect, a wizard is able to see whether someone is a spellcaster and whether that person is a priest or a wizard (and what type of specialist, if any). He can sense if a non-spellcaster has the potential to learn and cast wizard spells (e.g., whether a fighter will someday gain the ability to cast a spell).   Although a spellcaster's level cannot be discerned, the wizard can see the intensity of a spellcaster's aura and guess at the individual's magical power (dim, faint, moderate, strong, overwhelming). This can be extremely ambiguous even when a wizard has some method of comparison; the DM might announce that a subject's intensity is roughly equivalent to that of a companion, or he might announce that a subject's aura is the strongest the wizard has ever encountered.   An object's magical abilities cannot be discerned. The fact that it is magical and the type of magic (abjuration, alteration, etc.) are obvious. The wizard can see the intensity of an item's magical aura and guess at its power, but cannot tell whether a magical item is cursed.   Although intensity readings might vary in comparison to the caster's own power, the following general guideline can be used:
[Tome of Magic]
School: Divination
Level: 3
Rarity: Uncommon
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None


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