Wound Conferral

This spell is similar to the 4th-level wizard spell Empathic Wound Transfer, except that it enables the caster to transfer the wounds (up to 3 hp per level of the caster) between any two creatures, excluding the caster. The wizard must be able to grasp both the creature with the disability and the creature about to receive the disability without having to make attack rolls. Thus, the two beings must either be willing to undergo the spell, or else be sleeping, unconscious, or otherwise bound and secured from escaping the caster's grasp.   The recipient of the disability is entitled to a saving throw vs. spells if unwilling. If the recipient's saving throw succeeds, the transfer is incomplete and nothing further happens. If failed, the recipient gains the wounds of the disabled creature, subject to a few limitations.   The total amount of transferred hit points is limited to the caster's current hit points (or 3 hp per level, whichever is smaller). Normally, the spell functions by conveying the wounds from the disabled creature to the caster (during the first round of casting) and then from the caster to the final recipient (during the second round of the spell). Should an conferred disability drain the wizard below zero hit points (if the wizard unwittingly attempts to channel more hit points than he or she currently possesses), the exchange effectively backfires and now operates on the wizard himself as an empathic wound transfer. The spell also backfires if it is interrupted during the second round of casting, before the final conferral of life force to the recipient.   At the DM's discretion, this spell will never backfire when employed by a necromancer, who is presumably an expert in these rites. If interrupted during casting, the spell merely fails without any transfer of wounds from the disabled creature. When cast by a necromancer, this spell can also immediately restore an incapacitated and unconscious creature, as per the 3rd-IeveI priest spell death's door.   This spell is terribly exhausting for the caster. After the exchange is complete, the wizard temporarily loses seven points of Constitution; each point may be recovered by two hours of complete rest. If the caster's Constitution drops below 3, unconsciousness results, and the full Constitution is not regained for 24 hours.   The ruby brooch must be worn by the wizard at the time of casting. The ruby, which serves as a temporary receptacle or buffer for the exchanged life force, shatters upon the completion of the spell.
[Complete Book of Necromancers]
School: Necromancy
Level: 7
Rarity: Rare
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Area of Effect: Two creatures
Saving Throw: Negates
Material Components:
hair and blood from both the recipient and the caster, two newt eyes, two wolf teeth (each from a different animal), and a specially fashioned ruby brooch or pendant worth at least 5,000 gp


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