Zilchus (ZIL-chus)

The Great Guildmaster, the Money Counter, The Dealmaker

Power, Prestige, Money, Business, and Influence

Lesser god of the Marketplace Eternal, Lawful Neutral
Aliases: None
Domain Name: the Marketplace Eternal/the Outlands
Origin: Oeridian
Superior: None
Allies: Rao, Heironeous, Sotillion
Symbol: a pair of hands clutching a bag of gold
Worshipper's Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Zilchus is a popular Oeridian god, depicted as a well-dressed Oeridian man of plain appearance. He is middle-aged, with brown hair and eyes, tanned skin, and a dignified demeanor, and depicted as smiling. His clothing is expensive without being ostentatious. He carries a gold purse and a flail with which to chastise the dishonest. Though he has little time for frivolous pursuits, he is knowledgeable about such matters because such knowledge helps him influence others.   Zilchus is the deity who oversees affairs of money and business but is also a temporal power concerned with prestige and influence. Zilchus is a deity revered by those who are fair, scrupulous in their dealings, and honest; shady merchants do not look to this deity.   Husband of Sotillion, brother of Kurell, ally of Rao, Zilchus has many contacts that reflect his ability to establish relationships that are vital to any businessman. A busy god, he has little time for frivolous pursuits, but is knowledgeable in such things because it allows him to influence others. He acts as a dealmaker between gods, finalizing agreements once Rao convinces warring parties to talk. His symbol is hands clutching a bag of gold.

The Church

Clergy: Clerics (65%), Specialty Priests (35%)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Turn Undead: No
Command Undead: No
Zilchus remains primarily a deity revered by the well-to-do and noble, rather than the common folk. As such, many of the priests are themselves merchants, nobles, or in a position of temporal power; this is regarded as a sign of one's worth. Priests strive hard to mediation and diplomacy and tend to get on well with priests of Rao (who gently chide them for their worldliness).   Services to Zilchus involve incense burning, small offerings of goods, sermons, and homilies.


In the world of men, the desire for money can be overwhelming. Control that desire in yourself and exploit it in others — that is the key to success and power. Anything done in the world can be done better for a profit, and those who recognize these opportunities are one step ahead of any competition. Politics and war are simply two other forms of trade, one using a currency of words and the other lives; the trick is to spend yours more efficiently than your opponent.

Day-to-Day Activities

Zilchus’ clerics are ruthless in business and often seen as emotionless. They are heavily involved in business and politics, and conduct deals above or below the table depending upon their disposition. They work for powerful merchants, trade and crafts guilds, politicians, or nations, making transactions and garnering prestige for themselves and their employers. Neophytes get less glorious jobs, such as managing caravans or remote businesses, but some are hired to participate in high-risk but potentially profitable enterprises such as smuggling contraband and adventuring.

Affiliated Orders

Zichus's church is not affiliated with any knightly orders.

Major Centers of Worship

Zilchus's faith has always been widespread throughout the central Flanaess and remains so, for when trade is brisk, honest dealings are more important than ever. Zilchus's aspect as a deity of prestige and influence is somewhat lessened by the rise of more martial deities, but his priests are still listened to by most rulers because of their honesty and diplomatic skills.

Priestly Garb

Priests of Zilchus wear white or gray robes with silver trim. Lower order priests wear the gray robes, and higher order priests wear white. Both wear the holy symbol of Zilchus over their chests.

Adventuring Garb

Priests of Zilchus do not wear theiur formal robes while adventureing, but tend to wear these colors in their everyday wear with their symbol displayed prominently on their chests, unless there is a covert reason to hide their identiy.

Zilchus's Specialty Priests (Brokers)

Requirements: Wisdom 13, Charisma 13
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Weapons: any blunt weapon (flail at 1st level), short sword, or dagger (preferred)
Armor: chain mail
Raiment: white or gray robes with silver trim
Major Spheres: Charm, Divination, Guardian, Law,
Minor Spheres: Healing, Necromantic, Protection, Summoning, Travelers
Required Weapon Prociencies: flail at 1st level
Bonus Non-weapon Proficiencies: Appraising

Granted Powers

1) +2 to saves versus mind-controlling or mind-reading spells (ESP, hypnotism, magic jar, magic mirror, etc.)
3) +1 to Appraising NWP skill checks (except for rarities and nonesuch items)
7) +1 to Charisma score
9) True Seeing once per day


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