Heironeous (HI-roan-ee-us; HAY-roan-ee-us; ERR-own-ee-us)

The Invincible One, Champion of Rightful Combat

Chivalry, Honor, Justice, Valor, Daring, War

Lesser God of Mt. Celestia, Lawful Good
Aliases: None
Domain Name: Mt. Celestia/Mercuria/The Fields of Glory
Origin: Oeridian
Superior: None
Allies: Pholtus, St. Cuthbert
Enemies: Erythnul, Hextor
Symbol: Silver lightning bolt
Worshippers Alignment: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good   Heironeous is the champion of rightful combat and chivalrous deeds. He is the patron god of those who fight for honor, justice, and the fair, good order of things. As the patron deity of chivalrous fighters and honorable warriors, Heironeous is a constant thorn in the side of the evil gods. Numerous are his quests against evil, and Heironeous is never slow to leave the Seven Heavens and move around the Prime Material Plane to aid the forces of law and goodness.   Although the Champion of Rightful Combat works against all gods of evil, he attempts to thwart the works of his half-brother, Hextor in particular. In the beginning of time, Hextor chose to follow evil instead of good, just so that he might spite his brother and be opposite to him, and Heironeous has never forgiven him. Another notable enemy is Erythnul the Many, a being who is easily given to grudges, and although what initially started this emnity is unknown, there are several epic confrontations in recorded history between avatars of the two gods within the Flanaess. Indeed, it is even said that once Heironeous fought both Hextor and Erythnul on the same field of battle, and triumphed (though clergy of Erythnul and Hextor each preach that their own diety fought Heironeous to a draw, and he escaped only through trickery)   Heironeous is portrayed as an extraordinarily handsome, youthful, and tall man, with coppery skin and auburn hair to go with his brilliant amber eyes.

Other Manifestations

Omens from Heironeous generally take the form of silver lightning bolts from the sky, weapons breaking for no apparent reason, and wavering images of the god appearing in pools. Heironeous usually grants omens before major battles, making to the priest clear whether or not he carries the god’s blessing. Heironeous sometimes manifests his favor upon a worshipper in the form of a shimmering radiance, which acts as a Cloak of Bravery. He may also manifest a ghostly set of silver chainmail upon a supplicant which acts as a potion of invulnerability for up to a turn. Heironeous is served by gold, silver, and bronze dragons, as well as lammasu, blink dogs, cooshee, enheirar, and ki-rin.

The Church

Clergy: Cleric (25%), Crusader (20%), Specialty Priests (25%), Paladins (30%)
Alignment: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good
Turn Undead: C: Yes, Crusaders: No, Specialty Priests: Yes (as preist 2 levels below current level)
Command Undead: No
All clergy of Heironeous receive the Religion non-weapon proficiency for free.   Worshippers of Heironeous are found everywhere, but a chapel to this god is particularly likely where those who follow military professions or do heroic deeds are present. Heironeous is a god revered by officers, leaders, and paladins rather than the common warrior. The Champion of Rightful Combat is widely revered throughout the nonevil lands of the Flanaess, as his dual role as a warrior and protector attracts many worshippers. Wherever one can find individuals who are willing to fight for the cause of goodness, one will find the clergy of Heironeous.   Heironasar, as the clergy are known, are particularly warlike, always wearing chainmail if possible. They seek combat against all things evil, and will do anything in their power to harm the servants of Hextor. Generally the church is well received by most, despite the warlike tendencies of the priests; their arrival often preludes the destruction of local evil forces. This is not so for all regions though; in the former lands of the Great Kingdom these priests have difficulty even surviving.   Places of worship of Heironeous are usually adorned with blue trappings, silver, and occasionally windows of colored glass depicting scenes of Heironeous triumphant. A copper statue of the deity, armed with a silver battle axe and covered in silver mail, with seven silver bolts radiating from behind his head, is usually placed behind the altar. Services to Heironeous include triumphal singing of battle hymns, offerings to the temple’s statue, and sharing of strengthening foods - meat, full bodied red wine (in moderation, of course) and spiced, stewed kara fruit.   The faith of Heironeous is very organized on both a local and regional level. The priesthood has a military organization and maintains excellent armories and systems of communication. Positions within the church hierarchy are distributed equally among the various clergy types, and rank is determined by individual merit and achievements. Those priests who work hardest at fighting the forces of evil through word and deed, while exemplifying those characteristics Heironeous himself represents may go farthest within the church. Older priests are valued and revered for their strategic skills and experience, and act as teachers to the younger clergy members. Females are welcome in the faith, but are nowhere near as common as males. In addition to many dual-classed warriors, there are many elves and half–elves in the clergy. Members of all races who would seek to fight evil and live by the virtues of the Invincible One are also welcome, though these are extremely rare and generally frowned upon by their native cultures.   The clergy wear dark blue robes with silver trim to indicate station, which is (in ascending order):
  • Page
  • Acolyte-at-Arms
  • Squire
  • Axewarden
  • Knight
  • KnightJusticier
  • Knight-Cavalier
  • Captain
  • High Captain
  • Lord-Marshal
The head of the faith is known as The Honorable and Righteous Silver General, the Seventh Bolt of Heironeous. Once every seven years, all the major temple heads gather at the temple of the current Silver General and elect a new head of the faith. Such a person must exhibit moral virtue, leadership ability, vision, wisdom, and combat prowess.


The world is a dangerous place that poses a neverending series of challenges to those who fight for justice and protection of the weak and innocent. One must act honorably at all times, and uphold the virtues of justice and chivalry in word and deed. Danger must be faced with certainty and calm, and glory is the reward for defeating evil, while virtue is the reward for upholding the tenets of Heironeous.   Heironasar are to strive in upholding law and order for the good of all peoples, while relentlessly persecuting the evil and unjust. Members of the clergy are to serve as role models for their fellow man, and embody the principles of their patron deity, whether on the battlefield or in the temple. Priests and other members of the church should set the example for daring and valor in combat, and be obey the code of chivalry, even when engaged with the enemy if possible. Service to Heironeous is service to others, whether they be fellow clergy, family, soldiers, superiors, or other good peoples of the Flanaess. Evil has become a plague on Oerth, a festering wound which is constantly swelling with pestilent infection and decay. Clergy are to oppose the teachings and activities of the faith of Hextor above all other evil deities, for these are reprehensible men for whom might makes right, and for whom war is a means to oppress and terrorize good peoples. The servants of Hextor subvert and twist the concepts of chivalry and honor into deceit and cowardice, treachery and betrayal, and are to be battled on sight if possible.

The Chivalric Code

  1. To fear Heironeous and maintain His Church
  2. To serve the liege lord in valor and faith
  3. To protect the weak and defenseless
  4. To give succor to widows and orphans
  5. To refrain from the wanton giving of offense
  6. To live by honor and for glory
  7. To despise pecuniary (monetary) reward
  8. To fight for the welfare of all
  9. To obey those placed in authority
  10. To guard the honor of fellow knights
  11. To eschew unfairness, meanness, and deceit
  12. To keep and defend the faith
  13. At all times to speak the truth
  14. To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun
  15. To respect the honor of women
  16. Never to refuse a challenge from an equal
  17. Never to turn the back upon a foe
  • Faith
  • Charity
  • Justice
  • Sagacity (having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment)
  • Prudence
  • Temperance
  • Resolution
  • Truth
  • Liberality (the quality of giving or spending freely)
  • Diligence
  • Hope
  • Valor

Day-to-Day Activities

All priests of Heironeous are expected to tithe at least 50% of their monthly income to the church. They must practice with the sword and axe alike, preparing themselves to battle evil in any situation. They are to maintain vigilance against the forces of evil, especially those of Hextor, with whom they persecute without mercy. It is not uncommon for large groups of these priests to form adventuring parties to further the causes of the clergy.

Holy Days/Important Ceremonies

The Heroes’ March, held on the first Freeday in the month of Coldeven, in countries where Heironeous’ worshipers may show themselves without fear of danger. All of the adventurers and honorable soldiers in the town will gather in the town square, and from there march around the town, waving banners and flags, cheered on from crowds of spectators. When the march is complete all of the priests return to their temple and await the coming of young people who wish to join the order. Those who are found worthy are initiated in the training, which takes one full year. At the end of this time (when they have reached the next Heroes’ March) the new priest is permitted to join in the march, but must wear chain mail and wield a battle axe, symbolic of his initiation in the order.

Major Centers of Worship

Heironeous has a great deal of strength in many of the lands within the Flanaess, most notably in some of the northern lands. In the south his strength wanes, and in the Great Kingdom his clergy is practically non-existent, as these lands are dominated by the faith of Hextor. The largest congregations of clergy exist in several places; the Silver Citadel in Thornward, the Cathedral of Valor in Chendl, the Court of Seven Bolts in Rel Mord, and the fortress known as the Dragon’s Heart in Irongate are all bastions of the Invincible One.

Affiliated Orders

It is known that at least two major orders of knights have worked closely with the church of Heironeous, and that the priests often employ the service of noble adventurers. The first is the Vanguard Valiant, an order of paladins and warriors who operate out of Furyondy, and range as far south as Sterich and Geoff.   The other is the Invincible Order of the Silver Bolt, which is composed of every class that serves Heironeous. This Order maintains a vigil over the lands of the Great Kingdom from within Nyrond, and are also closely aligned with the Kight Protectors of the Great Kingdom, an outlaw organization of knights that was disgraced after the fall of House Rax. This order remains hidden near the Nyrondese border, but has been working out plans to overthrow the Knights of Doom and remove House Naelax from the Malachite Throne.   In addition, the Knights of the Holy Shielding and the Knights of the Watch have strong ties to this faith, as many of their members venerate the Champion of Rightful Combat.

Priestly Vestments

These priests wear robes of dark blue with silver trim to indicate station. Such trim usually includes silver bars on the sleeves of the robes, the number of which are proportional to the priests’ rank within the church hierarchy. Such priests often wear silver chainmail for services on Godsday, and may wear ceremonial helms and carry ceremonial axes for special holidays or occasions, such as a crusade or declaration of war.

Adventuring Garb

The only requirement for these priests is that they wear chain mail whenever possible. These priests are also fastidious in keeping their armor and weapons in good repair, and generally keep their garb clean and well kept. Priests of this clergy favor blues and purples of multiple shades, and tend to try to acquire a few pieces of jewelry with sapphires or amethysts in them.

Specialty Priests (Valiants)

Requirements: Strength 16 or Constitution 16 or Dexterity 16, Wisdom 9
Prime Requisites: Strength, Constitution, or Dexterity; Wisdom
Alignment: Lawful Good
Weapons: Any. Valiants must take a proficiency in the battle axe at first level.
Armor: Chainmail & Shield
Major Spheres: All, Combat, Guardian, Healing, Law,Necromancy, Protection, War
Minor Spheres: Divination, Summoning, Wards
Magical Items: Same as Paladin
Required Proficiencies: None
Bonus Proficiencies: None

Allowances and Restrictions

  • Elves, half-elves, and dwarves may become Valiants
  • Valiants receive Constitution hit point adjustments to their Hit Dice as if they were warriors. Also, Valiants may take any proficiency from the Warrior Group at no extra cost.
  • Valiants may turn undead as if a cleric of two levels less than their current level.
  • Valiants may wield holy swords like a paladin, though it is rare to find one in the possession of a Valiant.

Granted Powers

  • At 1st-level, Valiants receive a +2 bonus to their saves vs. magical fear.
  • At 4th-level, Valiants may cast Cloak of Bravery upon themselves once per day.
  • At 5th-level, Valiants may detect evil at will similar to the ability possessed by a paladin.
  • At 6th-level, Valiants become immune to all forms of magical fear and strength reducing magic or attacks (Ray of Enfeeblement, a shadow’s strength drain, etc.)
  • At 7th-level, Valiants may make three melee attacks every two rounds.
  • At 9th-level, Valiants may cast Valor’s Deadly Strike with maximum duration 1x/day.
  • At 11th-level, Valiants may cast a bolt of glory 1x/ week.
  • At 13th-level, Valiants may make two melee attacks every round.
  • At 17th-level, Valiants may cast invoke lightning (P7) 1x/week.

Hieronasar Spells

Third level

Axe Storm of Heironeous

Fourth Level

Cloak of Bravery
Detect Lie
Valor’s Deadly Strike

Fifth Level

Spellshield of the Righteous

Sixth Level

Bolt of Glory
Invoke Lightning


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