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Cauldron is ruled by a Lord Mayor, elected to his position every two years by the City Council from amongst the members of the Council. The post is currently held by Severen Navalant, whose term expires in roughly 20 months. Each noble house selects one person to sit on the City Council. The only requirement is that the council member be related by blood to the noble house. This includes claimed bastards.    

Noble Families

Most of Cauldron’s noble families are heir’s to vast mercantile empires as opposed to ancient family lines. When a merchant reaches a certain level of success, he is ofference a patent of nobility by city council in exchange for a hefty donation to the city coffers. The current noble houses of Cauldron are listed below.


Racial Mix: (79% Human, 9% Halfling, 5% Gnome, 3% Dwarf, 2% Elf, 1%Half-elf, 1% Half-Orc)
Human Ethnicity Mix: (70% Chelaxian, 20% Hillfolk, 5% Mwagi, 5% Other)