A New Source of Magic in Greyhawk | World Anvil

A New Source of Magic

Sourcesof magic can be located in many places, and Temporal Prime is no exception. The unique structure of magic in this pseudo-reaiity does far more than bend existing schoois. From its depths, a new schooi, the school of chronomnncy, has been deveioped.

Where it Comes From

As time moves in linear fashion, it builds momentum. A result of this, almost a side-effect, is that it accrues a form of both potential and kinetic energy tliat manifests as mystical abilitv. This ability can be shaped into magical energies, but only with respect to controlling or altering the momentum of time.

The School of Chronomancy

In a form of judo on a dimensional scale, chronomancers tum time's momentum against itself. Ry doing this, they interrupt tlie flow of time and manipulate it to their desires. The flow can only be diverted so far, and then it attempts to correct itself. This is a part of chronomancy that many practitioners conveniently forget while they try to bring about radical changes in the natural order of things.

Spell Descriptions

Some spells in the school of chronomancy have consequences of which the players might not be aware. The foliowing notes detail some of these concerns, as well as guidelines for how to solve any probiems that might crop up. DMs are encouraged to withhold this knowledge untii a chronomancer encounters a problem or actively seeks the information.

1st Level Spells

Detect Temporal Anomaly: Large disturbances in the timestream could create enough turbulence to overlap with a closer yet smalier source, thereby masking the nearer source completely. Crafty wizards use this camouflage effect to help protect their secrets. Slipgates and creatures in stasis become that much harder to find.

Precognitive Sense: Events sensed with this spell should start with the most devastating and work backward. Danger should always be sensed before reward, failure before success, hate before love, and so on.

2nd-Level Spells

Accelerate Plant Growth: The reason seasonal crops don't produce again is that they are biologically designed as one-timers. Year-round vegetation has the necessary structure to produce each time. The lifeline of affected plants gains substance over the time affected.

Preserve: As far as this spell is concemed, the size of the container that it's placed on does not matter, only the amount of matter put in it.

Life Sounding: Traveling Temporal Prime causes interruptions in a person's lifeiine. If a sounding is taken on someone who has been to Temporal Prime (or will be), the estimations are thrown drastically off, as it can only measure a single truncated segment of the traveler's life.

Timeslip: Since the characters have now preempted their own future (until and if they return), a smali amount of turbulence is guaranteed, and it mav be detected by area creatures (5% chance).

3rd-Level Spells

Articus's Melee Manager: The spell's subject is not moving faster but is making better use of time. The recipient's motion appears fluid and economical.

Minor Paradox: Replaying the events of the past rounds is not recommended, since this would invoive either accurate record taking throughout the game or several arguments about what everyone was doing during what round, Make the deeision, and Let it stand. Also, due to the strange turbulence pattern this spell produces, there is a 5% chance of attracting either a time dimensional or a Guardian.

Time Snare: This spell does not give back a memorized spell or charges of an item. The recipient attempts to cast the same spell again, but if it wasn't memorized enough times, the spell isn't cast. A charged item is drained each time it's used.

4th Level Spells

Prophecy: This spell can see forward without limit, In fact, most prophecies cover a period öf years or perhaps decades.

Temporal Push: If it is the chronomancer who is pushed forward, there is one benefit. The opponent is likely to think the wizard ran off. Another wizard with the spellcraft proficiency who makes a check and knows of this spell understands what has happened.

Wesley's Temporal Disjunction: When used against a time dlmensional, it does not matter which version the chronomancer targets. The disjunction affects them all.

5th Level Spell

Accelerate Animal Growth: Knowledge is not gained or lost wiih this spell. If cast on a tiger cub, the result might be a 200-pound kitten who wants to play and doesnd realize how heavy it is. The lifeiine of this animal grows brighter, too.

Articus's Devolutionary Warrior: If the recipient fails the svstem shock roll, it takes a wish or a combination of limiled wish and dispel magic to change the subject back. Either way, another system shock roll must be made, or the creature dies.

Create Slipgate: In reality the slipgate can be seen only with a detect magic or a detect temporal anomaly. On Temporal Prime, the mist- smoke revolves around it in a wispy funnel resembling a vortex. This apparition draws the attention of creatures who like to make lairs in these anomaiies, and there ts a 20% chance that a creature has taken up residence since the last use of this slipgale.

6th Level Spell

Conceal Temporal Anomaly: A popular use of this spell is to conceal a slipgate. If this is the case, the spell must be placed on the slipgate in reality and on Temporal Prime, The turbulence is harder to detect, but the vortexlike visual effect is still present.

Paradox: The give and take process should be strictly adhered to, and the DM should ensure the trade-off is fair. If the character tries to gain something without an appropriate sacrifice, figure a course of events where the character does get what is being asked for, yet loses something equally vaiuable.

The spells turbulence has a 20% chance of attracting a time dimensioinal or Guardian.

7th Level Spell

Wesley's Delayed Damage: Cast any chronomancy spell with duration longer than instantaneous on someone with Wesley's delayed damage, and this defensive speli is negated. All delayed damage is immediately applied Tliis is an extremely hazardous position to be in if fighting another chronomancer.

8th Level Spell

Acceleiate Lifeline: When attempting the reverse of this spell, reverse lifeline, there is a 5% chance that the recipient has an adverse reaction and the years are added instead of subtracted. The 5% is cumulative with each use of this spell, and if one check fails, all years that have been taken off with this speil are reapplied as if acclerate lifeline had been cast. The chance of failure is not cumulative with other age-reducing effects.

9th Level Spell

Sever Lifeline: Essentially, the chronomancer has "died," and serious turbuience results as the timestream readjusts to the loss. There is a 20% chance that a vortex is formed by this disturbance, and nothing short of divine intervention can reverse this action.

A character with a severed lifeline is now treated as a native of Temporal Prime. Strands do not affect the wizard, but all spell effects that can be used against temporal creatures do. (Wesley's temporal disjunction can be used as a weapon against the chronomancer while in reaiity now.) The character can now double his lifeline and could even meet himself. Spells sueh as life sounding, life tether, and accelerate lifeline no ionger affect the wizard. The character does not age while on Temporal Prime, but when in reality, the wizard ts still subject to temporal laws and will age accordingly. The character is by no means immortal and can still be killed.

There is a 10% chance that the character can accomplish this spell without the knowledge of the Guardians (a ehronomancer this powerful should have a monitor by now,) and even so, the Guardians should discover the fact within a few weeks of subjective time. At this point, they will approach the character with a request to join the Order.

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