Asathalfinare Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil


The asathalfinare, whose name is a contraction of a much longer Elven phrase meaning "those who have their being in the sea haunted by the true dream," are an alliance of aquatic and aerial deities. They work to minimize conflict between their respective peoples.   While the asathalfinare have no true leader, Deep Sashelas is the most pivotal member of the group, mediating between the deities to minimize conflicts and disagreements. He is the one most friendly to the largest number of the group's fellow members. Other core members of the asathalfinare include Surminare, Trishina, and Syranita. Members who meet less often include Eadro, Persana, and Water Lion.   They work to foster good relationships with other gods of the seas and skies. Stronmaus is particularly well-disposed to them.   They have many common enemies, including sahuagin, ixitxachitl, sharks, and the followers of Panzuriel.   However, this doesn't mean that the various races whose gods are represented among the asathalfinare are always good friends; they still are competitors for resources, and they do not always aid one another in times of crisis.   The "sea haunted by the true dream" from which the group takes its name is Thalasia, the great sea on the fourth layer of the plane of Elysium where these deities meet when they need to confer with one another.









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