Barony of Willip

Pop: 45,000

Capital: Willip (pop. 16,000)

Standing Army: 2,465 troops; 4,500 navy

Tax Multiplier: 1.0

Tithe Multiplier: 1.0

Ruler: Baron Xanthan Butrain

The Barony of Willip is a vital strategic region of Furyondy. Willip is the first port of call for almost all visitors arriving across the lake from Greyhawk, Urnst, Nyrond and points beyond. Willip itself is the largest settlement in all of Furyondy, and its baron plays a pivotal political role.

Baron Xanthan Butrain is resistant to further increases in taxation, but he also knows that since Belvor pays for the navy, and the navy brings vast revenues into Willip, that he is beholden to his King on that score. Should the navy be, say, increasingly diverted to a developed Gold County port as a base, the barony would suffer economically. Butrain thus plays a waiting game. He insists on agreements between all provincial rulers before he will agree to raising taxes to fund the northern provinces, knowing this is unlikely to happen. But in the end Butrain is likely to give in to the king’s demands. Alone of the southern nobles, he has Iuz on his borders, most notably on Scragholme Island, so he has a constant reminder of what threatens the land.

The Barony of Willip has some quirks compared to most of the rest of Furyondy. Criminal law here is termed canon law and may only be administered by priests of the faiths of St. Cuthbert or Zilchus, of 5th level or higher. This often means long delays waiting for trials. Most taxes have odd names. For instance, the Noble Tax for lesser nobles is the “Baron’s Gold” and the Freesword Tax is called the “Blade Coppers.” This can be confusing to outsiders. All wizards must register their residence, and be subject to a Dweomercrafting Tax of 10 gp per month unless in the service of the baron or the crown, and so on.

Lastly, Butrain has a nemesis. His cousin Gregen claims the title of baron. The true bloodline is disputed. Gregen is believed to have fled to Admundfort, where Iuz may be using him as a puppet to justify any planned strike against Willip. This is a carefully concealed secret which only major nobility in Furyondy, and a few sages, know.

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