
AC -4 (bracers of defense AC 5. ring of protection + 3, staff of power. boots of striding and springing MV 12; M18; hp 46; THAC0 15 /13; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4 +2 (dagger + 2 Str 9. Dex 17, Con 15. Int 17, Wis 15, Cha 12; SD has cast perma nency for detect invisibility; AL N.

Spells: 5 1st, 5 2nd, 5 3rd, 5 4th, 5 5th, 3 6th, 3 7th, 28th, and 1 9th.

Magical items: bracers of defense AC 5. ring of protection + 3. staff of power. boots of striding and springing, crystal ball, d1inni bottle, ring of mind shielding, wand of fire, wand of frost, wand of negatJon, winged boots. Bigby also possesses at least one of all known protection scroll types.

Bigby is 48, 5'11" tall, 149 lbs., with light brown hair and dark brown eyes. He is pale and very lean. and dresses very simply in a hooded dark gray robe. He is quiet and soft-spoken. and appears anxious and nervous. "I think we should be very careful about what we're going to do" is Bigby's pet phrase. He is overly cautious, and adding this to his natural desire to think out the tactics of any plans in depth makes him a worrier and fretter. Bigby 's main influence within the Circle of Eight is to slow down their plans-but they end up all the better for it. Bigby is also rather puritannical, eschewing all pleasures of the flesh, and can appear carping and nitpicking. Only those who know him well get the benefit of his wry sense of humor and relaxed smile when he feels secure in good company. It is his usual insecurity which drives him to covet defensive magical items, of which he possesses many.

Bigby is an exile from the Great Kingdom, having long ago fled that corrupt and vile nation and taken up residence in Scant. at the western edge of Onnwal. He "fronts" as a merchant there, living in a well-to-do but austere town house, below which is a very extensive warren of chambers and passages which Bigby has disintegrated out and filled with guards, wards, alarms, and magical traps of all sorts. Bibgy is never without a teleport without error spell which can take him to Mordenkainen or Tenser should he be come trapped within these tunnels.

Bigby rarely adventures now, and is almost a "sleeping" member of the Circle, coming out of his lair only when something major in the affairs of Oerth is afoot. He has few spies or agents, but the reclusive archmage seems always to know should a defensive magical item appear on the market. Superior bracers of defense and items such as a cloak of displacement would tempt him forth, offering large sums or many scrolls and potions for the prize. Rare and special material components which he could use for creating such items will also attract him, and he will (unwillingly yet compulsively) travel to Greyhawk or almost anywhere else to get them.


Level One

Bigby’s Bookworm Bane Bigby’s Feeling Fingers

Level Two

Bigby’s Dextrous Digits Bigby’s Silencing Hand

Level Three

Bigby’s Pugnacious Pugilist

Level Four

Bigby’s Battering Gauntlet Bigby’s Construction Crew Bigby’s Force Sculpture

Level Five

Bigby’s Fantastic Fencers Bigby’s Superior Force Sculpture Bigby’s Strangling Grip

Level Six

Bigby’s Besieging Bolt

Level Seven


Level Eight

Bigby’s Most Excellent Force Sculpture



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