Blighted Mothers

Hags are as much a part of the Plane of Faerie as any of the other fey creatures. They are typically solitary beings, owing loyalty to themselves or a small group of sisterly hangs known as a coven. But in the vast swamp known as Murkendraw, the most powerful and wicked of the hags in all of the Feywild have combined forces and formed the Blighted Mothers, a particularly ruthless coven that demands fealty from all other hags. There are four hags in the Blighted Mothers, each representing a different type commonly encountered in the Plane of Faerie. Mother Brona is an annis hag, Mother Blagovesta is a bheur hag, Mother Zabyna is a sea hag, and Mother Vaclava is a green hag.   The Blighted Mothers work in the deepest darkest heart of the Murkendraw, and they honor the greatest hag of all time – Baba Yaga. In her name, the four have performed terrible atrocities across the Feywild and beyond, and they have networks of spies and informants from the courts of the archfey to the most influential nobles of the Material Plane. Nothing moves in the Murkendraw without the Blighted Mothers knowing about it, or so it is whispered, and they are known to cast their spirits far and wide to oversee their plots and schemes personally.   What do the Blighted Mothers want? Their motives seem rooted in spreading chaos and disorder in the name of Baba Yaga as far and wide as possible. But the four hags do not always see eye to eye, and they occasionally work against one another. Direct conflict is forbidden by Baba Yaga’s ancient decree, but the Blighted Mothers still use their pawns to thwart or delay the plans of the other hags in the coven. But when they are united, such as to recover a stolen item or to fulfill some obscure prophecy, their powers are formidable and their wills like iron.

Blighted Mothers worship Baba Yaga


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