Class Skills and Proficiencies

Every field of study has its pitfalls and customs that students must observe. Advanced sciences, like magic, require extra expenditures of AP and study. The DM should be aware of the attitudes of certain mentors and role play them to reflect these sentiments.

Novice characters may serve some patron as an apprentice, or study at the university of a great clerical order or magical cabal. A college might charge as much as 500 gp per year in tuition, but nobles might grant scholarships to promising students. Most donors expect these scholarships to be repaid in some way, perhaps with a quest or adventure. Some clerical colleges may be free of charge, but only open to worshipers of that particular deity. Wealthy PCs who cannot find a college but scoff at apprenticeship might hire tutors, who will cost at least 100 gp per month. PCs may also need to travel in order to find the instructors they need. In isolated areas, PCs will be limited to studying from the few skilled people who live nearby, and they may quickly outgrow these teachers. However, while city-dwellers might have greater learning resources, they tend to forget the ways of nature, and might need to travel into the wilds to learn from rangers or druids.

Articles under Class Skills and Proficiencies


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