Dark Seldarine / Drow Pantheon Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Dark Seldarine / Drow Pantheon

The Dark Seldarine is the name given to the fallen, evil deities of the subterreanean drow. They are not truly a pantheon in the same way the Seldarine are, though, as they do not co-operate. The Dark Seldarine are led by Lolth, whose power sometimes forces the others into obeying her. The Dark Seldarine include:   Elder Elemental God, worshipped for a time by House Eilservs. Keptolo, the consort of Lolth. Kiaransalee, patron deity of Undead and Vengeance. Lolth, goddess of Spiders, Evil, Darkness, and Drow. Vhaeraun, god of Thievery and Drow Males. Zinzerena—a hero-goddess of Chaos and Assassins. Another evil deity with secret ties to the Seldarine is Kanchelsis.


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