Diinkarazan Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil


Diinkarazan is tall and gaunt; his blankly staring face is dominated by huge red eyes with black pin-point pupils. His long streaming hair changes texture, color, and appearance randomly. He is bound to a stone throne, and cannot move, though every 50 years or so he manages to create an avatar to stalk derro communities and slay everything that moves.   Diinkarazan is the brother of Diirinka, who betrayed him while they were fleeing from Ilsensine's caverns.   Diinkarazan is kept in the Prison of the Mad God on the 586th layer of the Abyss, a whirling vortex of air and gas with rings of stones flying randomly about while he is constantly tormented by illusions of the things he most fears.   Diinkarazan cares for nothing but vengeance against his brother and his brother's creations.   Diinkarazan was driven completely mad by Ilsensine and has no actual worshipers.   Diinkarazan was the second derro created by the ancient Suloise, nearly as powerful a spellcaster as his brother Diirinka. They achieved apotheosis together, and together they explored the caverns of Ilsensine for the magical lore they would need to "perfect" their race. When Diirinka betrayed him, Diinkarazan was imprisoned by the god of the illithids in the Abyss, where he thinks of nothing but vengeance, blaming the derro for his suffering.   Diinkarazan's curse is tied to a near-artifact known as Ilsensine's Ring. The stone throne that Diinkarazan is bound to is set with many stones and gems; Ilsensine plucked a purple-white archon gem from the throne and decreed that only when the gem was destroyed would Diinkarazan's imprisonment ever cease. The gem was set in a band of transparent iron (a substance called nephelium), attached to the ring by tentacle-like prongs. Among other powers, Ilsensine's Ring can call forth a ring of whirling debris such as surrounds Diinkarazan in his Abyssal prison. It can also summon illithids from Ilsensine's personal retinue in the Outer Planes, but there is a small chance that Diinkarazan himself will manifest in avatar form instead, and attack the wielder of the ring until he either slain (which will banish him for a year) or he gets hold of the stone that binds him, in which case he may at last become free. The ring is currently in the hands of Ilsensine's most favored servant, the monstrous shape-shifting ulitharid Lugribossk.  
The Mad God God of vengeance Demigod Alignment: Chaotic Evil Symbol: A ring with seven gems Diinkarazan is a lost, mad demigod who has been imprisoned in the Abyss by the illithid god Ilsensine for the alleged crime of attempting to steal the mind flayer's magic. Diinkarazan's brother, Diirinka, escaped, but only by betraying his comrade. Now Diinkarazan alone serves Ilsensine's sentence: he's trapped in the Abyss, totally insane, unable to escape unless a greater god sets him free, and tormented by illusions of the things he most fears (terrible monsters, Ilsensine itself, drowing in water or lava, and the like).   To make matters worse, Diinkarazan has a single day of lucidity once every 50 years (with random variation of 1-10 years). On this day, he can dispatch an avatar to the Primate Material Plane to stalk derro communities and destroy all he can (Diinkarazan feels he was betrayed by his own people). His hunger for revenge is so great that the avatar's behavior often degenerates into a frenzy of slaying anything it comes across until it perishes in combat (another avatar will be available by the time the god becomes sane for another day).   His realm, the Prison of the Mad God, is located on the 586th layer of the Abyss. It's a swirling vortex of air and gas, with rings of whirling rocks flying about a central point. Diinkarazan is magically bound to a stone throne at the center of the storm and tormented by illusions of his greatest fears. The prison is always torn between slipping over into Carceri and slipping into Pandemonium; the balance of prison and madness keeps it in the Abyss. As far as everyone knows, Diinkarazan has no proxies and no worshipers.   The Exile: Diinkarazan and his twin brother were exiled from the Morndinsamman by Moradin, it's not exactly clear for what. Moradin says it's because they were irredeemably evil, which is true. But some think it's also because the pair dabbled in magic. How the Mighty Have Fallen: Diinkarazan was the patron god of the Jewel Kingdom of Korolnor, one of the eight subkingdoms of Deep Shanatar. After the Spawn Wars, worship of Diinkarazan was abandoned throughout Shanatar, including in Korolnor, in favor of worshiping the entire dwarven pantheon. Nevertheless, a legacy of Diinkarazan's faith remains within the deepest caverns of the kingdom. Leaking Can of Evil: The Throne of the Mad God once served as the ruling seat of Korolnor's monarchs, but today it contains the last remnant of Diinkarazan's power in the Realms Below. By unknown means, Diinkarazan can manifest a shadow of his ancient power through the ancient throne and direct the trolls of Stommheim, despite his imprisonment by Ilsensine. Led by secret derro renegades drawn to Diinkarazan's madness, the troll armies battle surface dwellers for the mountains above and the mind flayers of Oryndoll for the caverns below. Since the Time of Troubles, Diinkarazan's power has begun to increase anew. Mad God: Diinkarazan has become permanently insane due to Ilsensine cursing and imprisoning him. Moment of Lucidity: Ilsensine's curse is a complex thing, and once every 50 years or so (with random variation of 1-10 years), Diinkarazan experiences one day of lucidity. Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Diinkarazan is obsessed with revenge for his imprisonment, and blames the derro race as a whole for it. When he regains his sanity for one day every 50 years or so, he creates an avatar and looses it on the Prime, where it destroys entire derro villages. Sealed Evil in a Can: Diinkarazan is magically bound to a stone throne in a level of the Abyss which is a whirling vortex of air and gas, with rings of whirling rocks flying about him. He cannot be freed by anything less than a greater god, and he is permanently insane and tormented by illusions of the things he most fears (terrible monsters, Ilsensine itself, drowing in water or lava, and the like). Despite experiencing a single day of lucidity every 50 years or so, he's obsessed with revenge and kills visitors even when he's sane.




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