
AC 0 (Dex 16, gray robe of the arch magi, ring of protection +3 MV 12; M16; hp44; THAC0 16/15; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4 +3 (dagger +3 Str 7. Dex 16, Con 15, int 18, Wis 17, Cha 9; SD 5% magic resistance; AL N.

Spells: 51st, 5 2nd, 5 3rd, 5 4th, 5 5th, 3 6th, 2 7th, and 1 8th.

Magical items: gray robe of the arch magi, ring of protection + 3, dagger + 3. chime of opening, figurine of wondrous power (serpentine owl. helm of underwater action, ring of shooting stars, wand of magic missiles, wand of polymorphing, and a folding boat of special sort (see below).

Fully six feet tall, weighing 172 lbs., Drawmij is 54 years old but appears a youthful 29. He has dark blond hair, deep blue eyes verging on violet, and wears cool colors with his magical robe, often favoring elven designs. He is very silent and intensely secretive. He spends long periods in his undersea lair (about 150 miles southeast of Gradsul, in the Azure Sea) studying magic and experimenting with it. His current passion is experimenting with magics which affect time and distance, but the results of his work with customized versions and combinations of spells such as haste, slow, distance distortion, dimension door, teleport and others are unknown. Drawmij is well known within the Circle of Eight for saying nothing about anything until he is very sure of himself.

Drawmij's magical boat is a metal vessel capable of sealing itself and traveling along the bottom of the sea, using a shaped wall of force as a buffer and some form of telekinesis for travel. Drawmij can see outside through the glassteel windows, and has some unknown magical way of seeing to an extended range (120 yards) even in the gloomiest of waters. From his cavernous home below the surface of the Azure Sea, Drawmij deals with merfolk, whales and dolphins, and many other denizens of the deep. From them, and his own scrying-for Drawmij has few contacts as such outside of Keoland-little of importance happens along the shores of this massive ocean which Drawmij does not hear of sooner or later. Drawmij and Otto have enchanted a rare, singular magical item which allows Drawmij to hear the songs and messages of the great whales at scores of miles distance, so that information can be relayed very quickly. Drawmij's lair is built within an undersea cavern lying not far below the continental shelf, and is fully self-sufficient and self-replenishing. Drawmij is known to have coral golems (similar in nature to stone golems) as custodians. in addition to the many magical protections within his home.

Drawmij is known to have friends among the minstrels and bards at the court of Yolande of Celene. How Drawmij the recluse befriended such garrulous and roguish (for the most part) folk is something which not even Mordenkanien knows. Lastly, Drawmij has an enduring hatred of Jaran Krimeeah, the Mage of the Valley, and is forever trying to persuade other members of the Circle of Eight to help him kill the wily old arch mage. Jallarzi Sallavarian has suggested to Otto that Drawmij's real antipathy is for Jaran's aide, Tysiln San the drow, and Drawmij 's explosive reaction to this suggests that it might well be true-but why? As with so much else about Drawmij, this is unknown.

Drawmij only visits Greyhawk when he must. This is usually to consult the mages guild concerning some rare magical item. or arcane text, which Drawmij seeks to pur chase. If he does this, he anives unheralded and leaves as quickly as possible.


Level One

Drawmij’s Beast of Burden Drawmij’s Light Step

Level Two

Drawmij’s Adventurer’s Luck Drawmij’s Breath of Life Drawmij’s Scent Mask Drawmij’s Swift Mount

Level Three

Drawmij’s Marvelous Shield Drawmij’s Iron Sack

Level Four

Drawmij’s Handy Timepiece Drawmij’s Instant Exit Drawmij’s Protection from Non-magical Gas Drawmij’s mol Box

Level Five

Drawmij’s Flying Feat

Level Six

Drawmij’s Beneficent Polymorph Drawmij’s Merciful Metamorphosis



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