Eachthighern Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Eachthighern (ek-tee-arn)

Eachthighern (pronounced "ek-tee-arn," meaning "lord of horses") is the unicorn deity of Healing, Loyalty, and Protection. He is also the god of pegasi. His symbol is a unicorn horn.

Eachthighern is depicted as a winged unicorn with a white coat and slight gray dappling on his belly. There is a gray fringe on his mane and beard.

Eachthighern is a member of the Seelie Court. Myths differ on his parentage, but most often he is regarded as a son of the ki-rin god Koriel. Sometimes he is said to be the offspring of a humanoid trickster god, such as Erevan Ilesere, who took on female form in order to conceive and give birth to Eachthighern.

Eachthighern is very choosy about who he allows to ride him. He permits Oberon and Fionnghuala this honor, as well as Hanali Celanil of the Seldarine.

Eachthighern dwells in the mobile realm of the Seelie Court.

Eachthighern is fiercely loyal to his riders. He is a protector of sylvan folk and a great healer. His name is a byword for loyalty and bravery.

Eachthighern is revered by unicorns and pegasi, as well as by other faerie creatures as a god of protection and healing.

Valarian, the Dusk Unicorn, appeared as a demigod of unicorns, blink dogs, and pegasi in the Book of Exalted Deeds.

Eachthighern is the lord of unicorns and, secondarily, pegasi. He is strong, faithful, and loyal to those he allows to ride him. Among the sylvan gods, only Oberon and Fionnghuala are known to have ridden him with any regularity, and more often Oberon rides a different steed alongside Eachthighern while Fionnghuala flies alongside him. Hanali Celanil of the elves is known to ride the great shining white steed also. Eachthighern is proud and majestic, a splendid sight flying over the Beastlands or in the skies around Mount Olympus. He is revered by many other faerie creatures who know his dual role as a god of protection and healing, and his name is a byword for loyalty and bravery.

Role-playing Notes: Eachthighern is a protector whose avatars have powerful magic to deploy against those who invade sylvan realms. The avatars usually travel alone, and keep watch over glades and stone circles very deep within sylvan lands. Eachthighern is a defender of the depths of such lands, and a protector of the heartlands, rather than one who, like Oberon, prowls the perimeters. Rarely, the avatar will manifest to bring healing to those who have aided the faerie folk in defending their homes, especially elves and their kindred.

Statistics: AL eg; WAL eg (unicorns, pegasi AoC healing, loyalty, protection; SY unicorn horn.

Eachthighern is the son of Koriel

Possible parent of Eachthighern

Some humorous tales say that Erevan changed form and sex in order to conceive and bear the unicorn god Eachthighern with the ki-rin god Koriel.

Eachthighern permits Oberon to ride him

Eachthighern permits Hanali Celanil to ride him

Eachthighern permits Fionnghuala to ride him


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