Emmantiensien (Emm-ann-tee-enz-ee-an)

Emmantiensien (Emm-ann-tee-enz-ee-an) is the god of Treants, Trees, and Deep and Hidden Magic. His name is a contraction of a far, far longer Treant word meaning "one who is slow to rouse but is great in might when stirred to action." His symbol is a pair of acorns.

Emmantiensien is a vast treant with well-sheened bark, his roots curled around a magic crystal fashioned by some unnamed and unknown deity. With this crystal, Emmantiensien can call forth power which no other sylvan deity can employ, not even Queen Titania herself.

Emmantiensien and his many avatars hear much wisdom in the winds that blow through the trees; he also speaks to birds and fey, hears the songs of bards, and through his roots he hears the murmurings of those beings who dwell at the center of the world. He never forgets anything he has learned, though an Age of history may pass before he is able to draw forth his oldest knowledge from his memory. He speaks seldom, but when he does, everyone in the Seelie Court listens.

Emmantiensien is the sage of the Seelie Court. Emmantiensien is closely allied with Rillifane Rallathil, the elven god of nature. The two tree-gods engage in slow, seemingly endless conversations when the Seelie Court comes to Arvandor or Rillifane visits the Court (where he is always welcome). Emmantiensien is also allied with Corellon Larethian.

Emmantiensien dwells in the realm of the Seelie Court, which appears and disappears unpredictably on various planes.

Emmantiensien protects the Deep Sylvan lands where fey creatures and spirits of nature dwell. These realms are the oldest untouched places in the world and are sites of powerful magic.

Emmantiensien is revered by treants.

Emmantiensien has no origin in time; he has always existed.

Emmantiensien is the timeless god of treants. Much as World Serpents appear in many myths as timeless beings of wisdom, so Emmantiensien is a World Tree who has no origin in time; he has always existed. The roots of Emmantiensien are curled about a magical crystal, fashioned by some unnamed and unknown god, and from this crystal the Treant-King can draw power which the sylvan deities can otherwise not employ, not even Titania herself.

Emmantiensien is the sage of the Seelie Court. He hears much in the winds which play in the branches of his avatars, he speaks to the songbirds and faerie folk, he hears the songs of elves and bards, and his roots are so deep that he hears the murmurings of beings deep within the core of worlds. Emmantiensien never forgets anything he has learned, although he may take an age to retrieve some item of knowledge into conscious awareness. His words are few, but when he speaks, all the Court listens.

Role-playing Notes: Emmantiensien is a protector of deep, ancient sylvan lands, those which were the first in worlds, places of powerful magic. His avatars watch over such places unsleepingly, although they may appear dormant. Emmantiensien will also send an avatar to rouse and lead treants into battle if a great forest or woodland is threatened with annihilation or major destruction. The avatars also participate in great meetings of Elder Treants which typically take place around once per century on most worlds, or when circumstances force such a meet.

Statistics: AL eg; WAL eg (treants AoC treants, trees, deep and hidden magic; SY pair of acorns.



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