Flannae Ethnicity in Greyhawk | World Anvil


The Flan race have a bronze-colored complexion. This varies from a lighter, almost copper shade to a very dark tone which is deepest brown. Eye color is commonly dark brown, black, brown, or amber (in declining order of occurrence). Hair coloration is black, brown-black, dark brown, or brown. Also, Flannae tend to have wavy or curly hair. People of the Duchy of Tenh are pure Flan, proud of their bronze color. Geoff and Sterich, despite mixture, show strong Flan racial influence. The Rovers of the Barrens are of the copper-toned sort of Flannae, although the western tribes show the golden skin color of the Baklunish due to interbreeding with the Wolf Nomad tribes. The people of the Hold of Stone Fist and the citizens of the Theocracy of the Pale are primarily hybrids, the former Flan/Suel, the latter Flan/Oeridian. The inhabitants of the Pale are particularly handsome.
Flannae once wore brightly-hued body paints, with yellow ochre and vermilion being the favorites. While the Rovers of the Barrens still use considerable body painting (where their high boots, loincloth and chest and arm leather don't cover them), the more civilized Flan dress in the mode currently fashionable in their portion of the continent. Garments, however, tend to be of solid primary colors, with very bright hues predominant.
The predominant racial strain and particular admixtures of each of the major states of the Flanaess is given in the list which follows. The first letter is the predominant strain. Thus, "OSf" would mean an admixture of Oeridian with a strong Suel strain and a weak Flan mix, as the "f" is uncapitalized. Had it been "OSF" (with a capital F), the indication would be that the Flan influence was only scarcely less than that of the Suel. Almor — OS Bandit Kingdoms — OFSb Bissel — OSB Bone March — (SO) Dyvers — OSfb Gran March — SOf Great Kingdom — OS Greyhawk — OSfb Highfolk — Os Idee — OS Irongate — Os Keoland — SOf Lordship of the Isles — So Nyrond — Os Pomarj — (SO) Ratik — Sof Rel Astra — Os Sea Barons — So Sea Princes — SOf South Province — Os Spindrift Isles — So Sterich — OFS Ulek, County — OFS Ulek, Duchy — (Sfo) Ulek, Principality — (SO) Urnst, County — SO Valley of the Mage — OBf Veluna — Osf Verbobonc — Ofs Wild Coast — Sof Yeomanry — SOf The inmixture of Oeridian and Suel is expressed as (SO) in the list. The original Flannae stock shows up with either Oeridian or Suloise or both as a coppery or bronze overtone. Oeridian and Baklunish develops a fairly light complexion, but the skin coloration is true yellow. A hybrid of Baklunish and Flannae gives a golden-copper or golden-bronze color which is possibly the most attractive complexion of any of the admixtures of the basic races. In general, the skin color of an individual is of no particular importance. The dark Flan complexion shows up quite often in most nations. By contrast, the nobles of the Great Kingdom are proud of being light-skinned, just as the rulers of Tenh are overly conscious of the supposed superiority of their deep bronze color. In the central region of the Flanaess, from western Urnst Duchy to Geoff, there is little heed paid to either skin color or racial type, whether human or demi-human (or even humanoid, in some places). The main exception to this is the demihuman kingdoms, where humankind is judged inferior, especially in Celene

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