The Flan Pantheon Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

The Flan Pantheon

The Flan, who first inhabited the Flanaess continent named for their people, still worship their ancient gods, and the ruins of incredibly old temples to these deities can still occasionally be found.

Beory, Oerth Mother, is an ancient nature goddess worshiped since ancient times as a representation of nature. She is personified in recent times as the goddess Berei.[1] Obad-Hai is another nature god revered by the ancient Flan as a god of summer.


Pelor is the ancient Flan sun god, and is now widely popular among all peoples. Rao, god of peace, is the older brother to Allitur, god of ethics and tradition, and master of Zodal, god of mercy and hope. A cult in Medegia worshipped Allitur under the alias Stern Alia.[3]


Nerull is a widely known god of death.


Myhriss is the goddess of romance and beauty.


Other mysterious religions followed by the ancient Flan include Old Faith, an animistic religion; Mok'Slyk, a mysterious entity known as The Serpent who is something other than a deity; and the Earth Dragon.[4]










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