G2: Otto's House

This small dwelling seems almost a cottage among the grandeur of the surrounding mansions. Often it is inhabited only by the white-haired groundskeeper and his wife.

About 25% of the time, however, Otto himself comes to stay here. This powerful and respected wizard, member of the Circle of Eight (Ch3 FFF). visits Greyhawk for 1d4 weeks at a time.

His house is comfortably appointed, and the housekeeper is a splendid cook. The old man tends the fine gardens on the estate. Otto keeps little of value here.

G2: Otto the Wizard’s House. It is well known that this old mansion is owned by a member of the Circle of Eight, Otto [N hm CS /W16 — Boccob; hp 37; Str 15, Int 18, Wis 16, Cha 16; many magical items]. Since the destruction of his homeland, the Prelacy of Almor, during the Greyhawk Wars, Otto has been seen in town much more than he once was. Of late, he has traveled to Nyrond on several occasions and visited the lands of Almor that Nyrond annexed, looking for old friends but finding that most died in the fighting. He is present in the city 75% of the time, working on various projects, patronizing the arts, or seeing visitors. Otto is 53 years old, very fat, and extremely outgoing and cheerful. He is a superb gourmet, has a keen musical sense, and has friends among artists and actors everywhere. He has several elderly, quiet servants.

DMs Notes: Otto has a side interest in artifacts, though this is not commonly known. Any character who brings Otto a new bit of knowledge about an artifact of Oerth (or a previously unknown musical instrument, for that matter) will win his attention and possibly his friendship. If befriended, he is a good source of news on conditions in Nyrond and might know of some adventuring rumors and locations.

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