Gadhelyn Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil


Gadhelyn the Archer (Gad-THEL-en) is the elven hero-god of Independence, Outlawry, Feasting, and Hunting. His symbol is a leaf-shaped arrowhead.   Gadhelyn is a very old figure in elven myth, once a part of the Fey Mysteries but now largely forgotten except among the grugach. He is depicted as an elf with sharp features, long yellow hair, and vivid green eyes. He wears rough clothing of fur and hide, of colors to match the season.   As an elven hero-god, Gadhelyn is technically a member of the Seldarine, though it is not clear if he maintains relationships with others in the pantheon, even Fenmarel Mestarine, who is a patron of elven outlaws and grugach. One or two Knights of Luna are thought to be sympathetic to Gadhelyn and his cause, but otherwise few in the Grand Court of Celene favor him.   Followers of Gadhelyn are urged to find pleasure throughout the year, rejoicing in Low Summer, making merry in Summer, feasting in Autumn, and finding time to dream in Winter. Gadhelyn sees no value in social caste or family lineage, as some other elves do, recognizing only individual merit. To him, titles such as knight or queen are meaningless, which does not please the Grand Court of Celene. Those who travel to the wild forest are expected to bring a gift for Gadhelyn, but if he is not pleased by this token he will simply take what he believes he is owed. Hunters are expected to kill in one shot; those who leave their prey wounded deserve to become the hunted themselves.   Gadhelyn is still a potent hero among the grugach. Sylvan elves and even a few half-elves and humans revere him and participate in his rites. Followers of Gadhelyn prey on the wealthy who dare to cross their woodlands, but they are not truly dangerous unless attacked, or if their forests are despoiled.   The Lord of the Wildwood has many druids in his service, but few of them are part of the hierarchy of the Old Faith. The favored weapon of Gadhelyn's clerics is the longbow.


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