Gaerdal Ironhand Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Gaerdal Ironhand

Gaerdal Ironhand is the gnome deity of protection, vigilance, and combat.   Gaerdal's legendary sternness is a bit of a joke among the pranksters of his pantheon, but it's said that their japes make him chuckle to himself in private.   The gnome pantheon of gods consists of the leader Garl Glittergold, as well as Baervan Wildwanderer, Baravar Cloakshadow, Flandal Steelskin, Gaerdal Ironhand, Nebelun, Segojan Earthcaller, and Urdlen. Gaerdal is distrustful of both Baervan Wildwanderer and Baravar Cloakshadow, whom he feels are deceitful and somewhat dishonorable.   Gaerdal lives in Stronghaven in the gnomish realm of the Golden Hills on the plane of Bytopia.   The Stern, Shield of the Golden Hills God of vigilance, combat, martial defense, and protection Lesser god Alignment: Lawful Good Domains: Gnome, Good, Law, Protection, War Symbol: Iron band Gaerdal Ironhand (pronounced GAIR-dahl EYE-urn-hand) is the stalwart defender of the Forgotten Folk, the most martial deity of the gnome pantheon. His serious nature garners him sober respect, instead of the gentle affection that is lavished on the other deities. The Shield of the Golden Hills guards against threats from above and below and teaches gnomes to hold their own in combat with larger and more powerful creatures by using their size and natural abilities to their advantage. Gaerdal has a small but devout following among gnome warriors and those responsible for defending gnome communities against outside threats, and he has earned the respect of the Forgotten Folk in general.   Gaerdal Ironhand is the most dwarflike deity of the gnome pantheon, rarely smiling, and he is the only gnome god who could be considered stern. Gaerdal takes his duties as the protector of gnome burrows very seriously, at the cost of sacrificing a playful spirit. The Shield of the Golden Hills has no use for tricks, jokes, or deceits, and he remains unsmiling at gnome tales and pranks (save those of Garl himself). The other gnome deities say he chuckles in private, but this is deeply uncertain. Gaerdal often sends an avatar to assist gnomes preparing for battle.   Gaerdal's realm, Stronghaven, is a fortress that contains a confounding maze of tunnels, designed to defy any attempt to invade or infiltrate. Gaerdal, ever watchful for any threat to the Golden Hills, is almost always inside, not to be found unless he wills it so.   Church Militant: The church of Gaerdal is organized in a strict military hierarchy. Gaerdal's clerics are as close to being a warrior caste as one could find among gnomes. Consummate Professional: Gaerdal has no use for amusements, and he doesn't deign to smile at any prank except those of Garl Glittergold. Drop the Hammer: Gaerdal wields Hammersong, a warhammer that, when it strikes a hard surface, utters a loud clanging sound equal in effect to a deafening clang. Gender Bender: In the 5th edition, Gaerdal is described as a female goddess whose sternness is due in part to an escapade that cost her the loss of her hand. Flandal and Nebelun worked together to replace it with a stronger one made of iron, but her resentment over the mishap lingers. War God: Gaerdal primarily serves as a protector deity. He is dedicated towards defending and protecting gnome communities against all invaders both obvious and hidden. Gaerdal obsesses about defense and vigilance, and he is an expert in fortification, siege tactics, combat, and traps. Gaerdal will often send an avatar to assist gnomes in preparation for battle.


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